Tuesday 23 rd September
All Year Groups Buongiorno To celebrate the European Day of Languages on Thursday 25 th September the Modern Languages Department are hosting a number of events including: Guess the number of German sweets in the jar (50p a go) Staff French breakfast Information stalls in the assembly hall about different European Countries (drop in at lunchtime) For Modern Languages classes: Quizzes, activities and prizes in the assembly hall Food tasting Something for you to think about: 94% of the world ’ s population does not have English as its first Language!
Clubs Basketball Club Mr Richardson S1-6 boys and girls Tuesday, 3.50pm Middle Gym Netball Club Mrs Moore S1-6 girls only Tuesday, 3.50pm Girls Gym Strings Group Miss Duffin (Instructor) Music Dept All year groups 1pm Drama Club Drama Dept All year groups Mrs Wewiorski
S5/6 UCAS Personal statement week! Go on to ucas.com lots of advice this week on personal statements. Make sure you have the accurate buzzword! See Mrs Rashid if you have any issues. Attention Medics! There is a Hospice Open Day coming up. Saturday 11 th October See Miss McWaters for more details. Attention Engineers! We received information from Strathclyde University on Scholarships and grants/funding if you are successful into their courses at Uni. The books are in the pond area. Please do not remove them. If you need info, take a picture of the page with your phone and go online to check it out. Careers Advisor Alison is in school today (library) if you need to see her for any careers/college info at Lunchtime. Those of you keen to leave at Christmas will start preparing application forms at the start of October.
S4 Bronze DofE Qualifying Expedition A reminder that the S4 pupils completing their expedition next week MUST attend a training session on Wednesday 24 th September. The session will run from 3pm till 4.30 pm in Miss Banning’s room Work Experience Interviews If your name is listed below, you must attend a work experience interview today in the Library at the following times:
S2 Under 14’s Football Team Wednesday’s match against St. Margaret Mary’s has been postponed. Keep an eye on the bulletin for information about the next match.
S1 Under 14’s Football Team Wednesday’s match against St. Margaret Mary’s has been postponed. Keep an eye on the bulletin for information about the next match.