2 nd – 6 th Rockstars December 2 – 6 Weekly Reminders 4th Grade Literacy – In Literacy class students will continue to learn comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to identify the main idea of a story and supporting details. Students will also work with weekly vocabulary words, as well as, grade level sight words. 5th Grade Literacy - In Literacy class students will build upon their prior knowledge of comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to place events from a story in chronological order. Students will also work with weekly vocabulary words, as well as, grade level sight words. T Tuesday, December 3rd - Friday, December 6th: 4th grade Swimming Lessons Field Trip Thursday, December 19th – School-Wide Christmas Program December 23rd - January 3rd: Christmas Break 2nd Grade Math - My 2nd Graders will be using bar models to solve real world addition and subtraction word problems. 3rd Grade Math - My 3rd graders will be learning multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9 and dividing to find the number of items in each group. Thank you for working with your child on memorizing the multiplication facts. 2nd Grade Social Studies - The 2nd grade class will be studying about the Civil War and the events that led up to this war. 3rd Grade Social Studies - My 3rd graders will finish their study of the colonization of early America. 4th Grade Social Studies - My two 4th grade classes will be studying about the causes of the American Revolution and about Kentucky families on the frontier before, during, and after the American Revolution. 2 nd Grade Literacy I can develop oral vocabulary. I can recognize that facts can be proven. I can find and use details from the story to aid in comprehension. I can use my background knowledge to aid in comprehension. 3 rd Grade Literacy I can develop oral vocabulary. I can identify the main idea of a passage. I can find details in the passage that support the main idea. I can identify different types of text structure. 2nd Grade Science I can describe the uses of heat. I can explain how heat is made without using fuel. 3rd Grade Science I can explain how a disaster affects living things in an environment. I can experiment to find out how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill in the ocean. I can experiment to find out how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill in the ocean. I can state what can be learned from dinosaur fossils. I can summarize various theories of how dinosaurs became extinct.
Bowen Science classes - Our fifth grade Conservation Poster winners are: Sydney Ballard, Jackson Upton and Lydia Costello After then competing with 3-5th Sydney Ballard has made the top three to go ahead and compete in the county level. I am proud of all our Conservation Poster winners! Science fair projects for 5th and 6th grade have had the deadline extended a week due to my being out sick. I want to continue to work with students in class to assist them with this process and so the date is now Dec. 9th. 4th Grade Science - Early this week in science we will have a weather quiz that will assess reading a weather map, clouds and weather terms. Later in the week we will discuss weathering and erosion. 3rd/4th Grade Math - We are continuing to practice division (up to 3 digit numbers divided by 1-digit numbers). We will also use models to solve real world multiplication and division problems. We will prepare for an assessment later in the week. Please practice division at home and continue to work on your multiplication facts :) Writer's Workshop Our fifth grade classes will continue to work on Language Mechanics to make their writing even better. The sixth grade class will engage in a two study of Greek/Latin word origins. Encourage your child to study the different languages. Daily 5 We continue our rotations, but with a Greek and Latin flair embedded in each station. At the end of these two weeks, the students won't be fluent in Greek or Latin, but they will better understand the English language and why we use the words we use. Rock On! Linder 5th Social Studies I can summarize key events that created tensions between colonists and Britain. 6th World Geography I can create a Wiki that describes a country using the five themes of geography. 5th Math I can multiply a mixed number by a whole number. I can divide a fraction by a whole number. I can divide a whole number by a unit fraction. I can solve real world problems involving multiplication and division of fractions.. This week we will begin our adventure with units and unit rates. We will explore some economic skills such as purchasing items and finding the best deal. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss real life situations with your child. Enjoy their questions.