Progress Report July 2012 I. Coupled Physical-Biological modeling in SABGOM (SABGOM-BIO, carbon component); II. Coupled Sediment Transport Modeling in Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea, (BYESED)
SABGOM BIO Simulated pCO2 against observation from UGA team Jan , n=257, r=0.56
SABGOM BIO Simulated pCO2 against observation from UGA team Jan , n=8560, r=0.41
SABGOM BIO Simulated pCO2 against observation from UGA team Aug , n=10180, r=0.23
SABGOM BIO Simulated pCO2 against observation from UGA team Oct , n=1006, r=0.05
SABGOM BIO Simulated pCO2 against observation from UGA team Dec , n=1019, r=0.73
Problems and Possible Fix Simulated pCO2 is generally higher than observations; Simulated pCO2 is in better agreement with observations during winter (Dec, Jan) than other seasons (Aug, Oct); Possible solutions CPP: conservative alkalinity River Input: turn on/off DIC alkalinity inputs Atmospheric CO2 concentration
BYESED Coupled wave-ocean-sediment transport modeling (COAWST) ~50 year hindcast ( ) Realistic forcings (atmospheric, ocean, & river input)
Results by the end of 1965 (8 yrs) Yellow River Sediments
Results by the end of 1965 (8 yrs) Yangtze Sediments
Model stops after 8 yrs simulation ( or ); Solution- memory issue?- Reduce history file output variables; Other difficulties: 1.5T external disk for omglnx6 and omglnx9 signaled on/off frequently Problems and Possible Fix
July-16 Progress Report BYESED (East China Sea sediment transport) 1)Try to run COAWST on RENCI, failed– COAWST support NETCDF 3.X; RENCI only have 4.X; 2)Try to run uncoupled (SWAN/ROMS independently)— Results are different from coupled even no wave- current interaction is activated– SWAN read UV/Zeta from ROMS from time to time 3) Try to run coupled case, increase SWAN step (10min – 20 min) and reduce SWAN-ROMS coummunication (4-hourly to daily): 64 processors on He2, will take < 10 days for an experiment (in-process)
Plan for next week and Problems Finish one BYESED experiment Look into SABGOM_BIO application if processors are available (compare in-situ T/S observation) Problems: external disk lost connection even touch/cp every 0.5 hours
Progress Report July 23rd What I have done BYESED application: 1.increase SWAN-ROMS communication interval to 1 day, SWAN timesteps to 20 mins; 2.Using COAWST v587, model stop again around year 1977; 3. Using COAWST v411, model stop around year 1972 because of disk space on share2 SABGOM_NF system 1. generate particle release webpage at
Progress Report July 23rd What to do in this week Continuous look into BYESED application, try to using restart option once model stops; Working on SABGOM_BIO if time permits;