doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 1 The New IEEE Documentation System Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 2 Abstract This document previews the NEW IEEE Working Group Documentation System.
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 3 Click on “ Documents ” to enter the documentation portal Search Login/Register
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 4 Participants MUST obtain an IEEE Web Account before you can receive a login. The web account is free to all. To obtain a web account click here.
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 5 Click HERE
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 6 Click HERE
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 7 SELECT “Create” HERE
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doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 10 Continue to fill in required information When finished, select Next and follow instructions
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 11 The New IEEE Document Server 90 Documents per page
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 12 The New IEEE Document Server Filters
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 13
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 14
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 15
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 16 1
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 17 The New IEEE Document Server Sort List
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 18 Click on Action CreatedSort by Date (Forward/Reverse) YearSort by Year (Forward/Reverse) DCNSort by DCN (Forward/Reverse) RevSort by Revision (Forward/Reverse) GroupSort by Group (Forward/Reverse) TitleSort by Title (alphabetical - Forward/Reverse) AuthorSort by Author (alphabetical - Forward/Reverse) UploadSort by Date Uploaded (Forward/Reverse) DownloadDown Load Document Indicates direction of sort
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 19 Obtain New Document Number Click HERE
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 20 Obtain New Document Number
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 21 Complete Required Information { Then Click HERE
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 22 Select Document from your computer then select “Upload Document”
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 23 The New IEEE Document Server Search
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 24 Search
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 25 Wednesday – May16 th 1 st Announcement of cut-over to Mid-week Plenary Send 1 st informing entire membership Friday – May 18 th 2 nd Announcement of cut-over to closing Plenary Send 2 nd reminder informing entire membership Monday – May 21 st Resend 3 rd notification to entire membership Documentation Cut-over Timeline
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 26 Tuesday – May 22nd at 23:59 Hours Eastern Time ceases ALL OPERATION FOR No new document numbers issued No uploads accepted ( All issued document numbers with documents not uploaded are canceled – NEW numbers will need to be obtained by participants for these documents) Wednesday – May 23rd The documentation will be transferred from 802wirelessworld to the new system Pre-2002 documents will be transferred from IEEE grouper to the new system Search functionality and priority fixes to new system done Documentation Cut-over Timeline (cont.)
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 27 Thursday - May 24th at 23:59 Hours Eastern Time New documentation system comes on-line Auto-direct on 802wirelessworld begins Main website changed to show link to new documentation server Send informing entire membership The New Site Is Live Documentation Cut-over Timeline (cont.)
doc.: IEEE /0767r0 Submission May 2007 Stuart Kerry, NXP - Harry Worstell, AT&TSlide 28 QUESTIONS