Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Geography GSA Meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm in Somerville Speaker Series: Who: Idowu Ajibade (Grad Student) When: This Friday Mar 2, 3:00 Where: SSC 2333 What: A progressive trajectory of inquiry in global environmental change: What role might the sub disciplines of geography (physical and human) play and how? Complimentary Fair Trade Coffee, refreshments, and light snacks will be served. Everyone is welcome Urban Development Career Event: UDP Alumni will be speaking about their careers, their experience in the UDP and how their education helped them secure a job Thursday, March 8 th, 5:30-7:30pm in SSC 2036 FREE Pizza & Refreshments before the event
MOS Had exec meeting today at 5:00 pm
Political Science Our ITR First Year event was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came out!
Psychology In Review: Valentine’s/Relationship Seminar with Dr. Campbell Thursday, Feb. 16, 5:30pm Upcoming: WPA Reps will be advertising Intent to Register & an information session about Psychology to 1 st years (throughout the week) WPA Charity Night will be hosted at Molly Blooms March 23rd. Cost will be 5$, all proceeds donated to CMHA. It will be lots of fun and there will be food! In the works (Date/Time TBD): Graduate Studies Information Session with Sarah Dawson Social Science Career Counselor
WSFR -The Aggressives (documentary) Fri. Mar. 3 th in WSS 2130 at 4:30-6:30 -Anita Hill (The Value of Belonging: Reimagining Equality in the 21 st Century) Tues. Mar. 13 th in UC 5:00-7:00 -Prof. Shirley Randell (Women Through the Ages & Sustainable Empowerment: The Role of Women in Conflict) Thurs. Mar 15 th in WSS 4:30-6:30 -Dr. Kathryn Norlock (Philosophy Curriculum, Moral Perception, and Gender Perception) --Tea Time in 2:30pm --Talk in 3:30-5:00