CEOS-CGMS-WMO SP Activities Update EUMETSAT WMO SP 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009
CEOS Guidance and SIT Action 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November CEOS 22nd Plenary Action: GISTDA as CEOS Chair to lead a small task force with representatives from CGMS, WMO SP, CEOS, in coordination with the GEO Secretariat, to look at opportunities for improved coordination among the four organizations. The 2007 recommendations for improved coordination should be taken as a baseline for the activity. (Due date: CEOS 23rd Plenary) CEOS SIT-23 Report Recognized: 2007 recommendations were being fulfilled Virtual Constellations and SCOPE-CM for their respective purposes and broader potential Areas for specific collaboration – QA4EO, CEOS Database/WMO Dossier Need to maintain cooperative dialogue to avoid duplication No need for an ongoing task force
Progress Since SIT rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November CEOS WGCV and GSICS Agenda Item 17.3 – WGCV Report QA4EO Vision – Version 4 to include WMO comments Shared mailing lists for cross invitations Representation and presentations from both groups at: GSICS Workshop – EUMETSAT Conf., Bath, U.K. 9/09 QA4EO Workshop – Antalya, Turkey, 9/09 CEOS Database/WMO Dossier Agenda Item 3 -- CEOS MIM Database Agenda Item 7 -- CEOS SEO Report Companion efforts – cross-reference bodies of work Harmonization of terminology and structure
The Way Forward 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November CEOS WGCV and GSICS Sustain efforts regarding cross-group invitations Continue collaboration on QA4EO CEOS Database/WMO Dossier Continue collaboration on verification, harmonization of terminology and presentation efforts (hotlinks) Build upon discussions this week regarding greater collaboration on climate efforts such as: CEOS Response to GCOS IP Satellite Supplement Virtual Constellations SCOPE-CM – Sustained Co-Ordinated Processing of Environmental satellite data for Climate Monitoring