Chapter 11:Small Bodies Orbiting the Sun
Kuiper Belt The Kuiper Belt of comets spreads from Neptune out 50 AU from the Sun
Oort Comet Cloud
A. icy dirtball? B. dirty snowball? or Comets
Composition of a Comet
Comets lack tails until they enter the inner solar system.
Halley’s Comet Period of orbit is years predicted by Edmond Halley Nucleus very dark Dirty snowball!
Halley’s Comet “I came in with Halley’s comet in It is expecting to come again next year (1910), and I expect to go out with it. The Almighty has said no doubt: ‘ Now here are two unaccountable freaks; they Came in together, they must go out Together.” - Mark Twain, a Biography
Meteor Showers
Meteroids meteroids: chunks of matter in space orbiting in the Solar System ranging up to tens of meters across and sometimes larger meteors: when these chunks hit the Earth’s atmosphere and show up as streaks in the sky meteorite: when a fragment of a meteoroid survives its passage through the Earth’s atmosphere
Asteroids Gaspra Ida and its moon Dactyl
Ceres was the largest Asteroid, now it’s a Dwarf Planet
Most asteroids orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
The Extinction of Dinosaurs