Rocket Project Astronomy
How a Rocket Works
Solid Rocket Boosters
Simple Cheap Safe But- Thrust cannot be controlled. Once ignited, the engine cannot be stopped or restarted.
Liquid Propellant Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen - used in the Space Shuttle main enginesSpace Shuttle main engines Gasoline and liquid oxygen - used in Goddard's early rockets Kerosene and liquid oxygen - used on the first stage of the large Saturn V boosters in the Apollo programSaturn V boosters Alcohol and liquid oxygen - used in the German V2 rockets Nitrogen tetroxide/monomethyl hydrazine
Other Fuels Chemical reactions that produce gas are common for obvious reasons (lots of gas for a small amount of solid/liquid) Any system that throw mass would suffice
Other Fuels Compressed Gas such as CO 2 or liquid nitrogen Fusion Reactors Matter-antimatter A baseball thrower Plasma/Ion engines Compressed air with water (Your rocket)
How high does it go? Use Trig
Use Algebra y = v o t + 1/2 gt 2 V 0 - initial velocity t-time g-acceleration due to gravity