Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OPEN ACCESS AT THE VU 1Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek at
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CONTENTS 2Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library 1.Recent developments in the Open Access debate (up to October 12 th 2015) 2.OA hot topics: money and more 3.Status of OA at VU University Amsterdam 4.What can you do?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CONTENTS 3Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library 1.Recent developments in the Open Access debate (up to October 12 th 2015) 2.OA hot topics: money and more 3.Status of OA at VU University Amsterdam 4.What can you do?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NOVEMBER 15TH Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek State Secretary for Education Sander Dekker argues in a letter to Parliament for the Golden Road to Open Access "The principle behind Open Access involves making scientific publications, journals and books freely accessible worldwide. I personally feel that the results of publicly and publicly/ privately funded research should always be freely available... My preference is for the Golden Road.”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam JULI 15th Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek : Letter from VSNU chairman Karl Dittrich to all members of the academic community arguing in favour of OA “Dear members of the Dutch academic community,... Open access is a movement that aims to make the results of scientific research... freely accessible online... Dutch universities are strongly in favour of this development.... We are counting on your support.”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam HIGHLIGHTS LAST 12 MONTHS (1) 6 Universiteitsbibliotheek Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team November 4th 2014 – Big deal negotiations with Elsevier show no sign of progress. November 20th 2014 – VSNU and Springer reach an agreement on a big deal including Open Access. Summer 2015 – Still no progress in negotiations with Elsevier July 1st 2015 – New Copyright Law (after ‘amendement Taverne’).
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam HIGHLIGHTS LAST 12 MONTHS (2) 7 Universiteitsbibliotheek Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Augustus/September 2015 – Big deal agreements with Wiley and Sage including Open Access. Still no progress with Elsevier. September 2015 – League of European Research Universities (LERU) supports Dutch OA policy. October 10th 2015: “De Gruyter presents new open access pricing model to prevent “double dipping” October 12th 2015: LERU statement and petition: “Christmas is over. Research funding should go to research, not to publishers!” Signal towards the European Commission and the Dutch EU Presidency
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam HIGHLIGHTS LAST 12 MONTHS (3) 8 Universiteitsbibliotheek Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team PublisherStatus (September, Bron: VSNU) Elsevier Negotiations are being continued, but parties are still far apart. Existing contract has been extended for 1 year, but is cancelled by December 31, Springer An agreement has been reached: from January 1, 2015 onwards NL researchers can publish Open Access in around 1500 Springer journals. Wiley Wiley and the universities worked out an Open Access programme starting from 1 September 2015, as preparation for a more extensive open access deal in Sage An agreement has been reached. A total of 20% yearly scholar articles can be published Gold Open Access. Oxford University Press Existing contract with OUP has been extended for 1 year to further discuss Open Access. Other Currently negotiations will start with a few other publishers (a.o. ACS, Kluwer and Taylor & Francis). Jaap Winter (VU) Gerard Meijer (Nijmegen) en Koen Becking (Tilburg) are the negotiation team on behalf of the VSNU.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CONTENTS 9Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library 1.Recent developments in the Open Access debate (up to October 12 th 2015) 2.OA hot topics: money and more 3.Status of OA at VU University Amsterdam 4.What can you do?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OPEN ACCESS – AND MONEY 10Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam MODELS: GOLD AND GREEN 11Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library Golden Road: articles are published directly by the publisher in Open Access, either in full OA Journals or in hybrid journals that contain both freely accessible articles and content that is only accessible to subscribers – the author, his/her employer or funding agency pays the Author Processing Charge (APC). Green Road: after peer review but before final layout, articles are archived by or on behalf of the author in an open repository (at the author’s institution, such as VUDare or otherwise, e.g. by theme); an embargo period of 3 to 24 months often applies – self-archiving is ‘free of charge’
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam FIFTY SHADES OF OPEN ACCESS – JEROEN BOSMAN (UU) 12Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek APC’s: researcher, university or funding ageancy pays. J. of Machine Learning ‘Double dipping’
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam APC RATES – JEROEN BOSMAN (UU) 13Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek Estimated average APC per article: € 1.500
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam WHO PAYS FOR OPEN ACCESS 14 Universiteitsbibliotheek Estemated average article processing costs (APC) € In 2014 VU and VUmc published 702 articles in full OA journals (15.3% of total) Costs increase, research universities with high output pay more in favor of ‘consumers’. Risk: expensive APC’s replace expensive subscription fees (profit margin Elsevier: almost 40%) Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OTHER OA BUSINESS MODELS 15 Universiteitsbibliotheek PeerJ “... PeerJ operates a 'Lifetime publishing plan' model…, which gives them lifetime rights to publish with us (for free). The 3 plans are: Basic (which allows for publishing 1x per year, for life); Enhanced (which allows for publishing 2x per year, for life); and Unlimited (… an unlimited number of articles per year, for life)… Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OTHER OA BUSINESS MODELS 16 Universiteitsbibliotheek ARXIV arXiv is a repository of e-prints of scientific papers in the fields of f.e. mathematics, physics, astronomy and computer science. In many fields of mathematics and physics almost all scientific papers are self- archived on arXiv. In December 2014 there where a million articles published. Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OPEN ACCESS AND COPYRIGHT 17Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OPEN ACCESS AND QUALITY 18Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek Abbreviated Journal TitleImpact Factor eLife8,519 Journal of Medical Internet Research4,669 PLoS One3,534 Implementation Science3,470 BMC Bioinformatics2,672 BMC Public Health2,321 BMC Medical Research Methodology2,168 BMJ Open2,063 BMC Health Services Research1,659 BMC Medical Ethics1,600 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making1,496 BMC Medical Education1,409 Scientific World Journal1,219
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam OPEN ACCESS AND ACCESSABILITY 19Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek : Letter from VSNU chairman Karl Dittrich to all members of the academic community arguing in favour of OA “Dear members of the Dutch academic community,... Open access is a movement that aims to make the results of scientific research... freely accessible online... Dutch universities are strongly in favour of this development.... We are counting on your support.”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam FUNDING AGENCIES DEMAND OPEN ACCESS 20Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CONTENTS 21Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library 1.Recent developments in the Open Access debate (up to October 12 th 2015) 2.OA hot topics: money and more 3.Status of OA at VU University Amsterdam 4.What can you do?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU UNIVERSITY AMBITION: IP Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek The goal is to achieve a 40 percent Open Access publication rate by 2015, rising to 90 percent by 2025 (this was about 5 percent in 2010)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU UNIVERSITY STILL AMBITIOUS: IP Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team Universiteitsbibliotheek Verder is de VU overtuigd voorstander van het maximaal toegankelijk maken van onderzoeksoutput door te publiceren in open access, zeker wanneer het gaat om onderzoek dat uit publieke middelen is gefinancierd. = green route Furthermore, VU University Amsterdam is a fervent advocate of making research output accessible through Open Access publishing, especially when it comes to research financed with public funds. d. Use university’s own repository to boost the percentage of articles published in Open Access (top three Dutch universities) that are made publicly available.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CONTENTS 24Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library 1.Recent developments in the Open Access debate (up to October 12 th 2015) 2.OA hot topics: money and more 3.Status of OA at VU University Amsterdam 4.What can you do?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: OPEN ACCESS INFORMATION POINT 25Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library - library information specialists can advise on: Appropriate OA publishing opportunities, compliance with funding bodies; information on publishers’ copyright policies, embargo requirements Grants for OA publishing (APC voucher pilot with various publishers) BMC (15%) – BMJ (25%) – BRILL (30 x discount)- RSC GOLD (10 x free)+ Springer (1500 journals Open Choice) Advice on transfer / securing copyrights, assistance in choosing the right Creative Commons licence Launching one’s own OA journal, conference proceedings, etc. Drafting an (open) data management plan for grant application Advice on negotiations with publishers and process design APC agreements with Elsevier Big Deals, Springer, Wiley, Sage and OUP
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NEW A’DAM CRIS PROJECT WITH VU MC, U V A, AMC AND H V A 26Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library Required for compliance, also crucial for Green Road: New Current Research Information System (CRIS) to replace Metis (Pure … by Elsevier!) Integration with repository in a unified system, hosted in the cloud Benefits for researchers include: automatically upload metadata from publisher databases (WOS, Scopus, etc.): with one click, no mistakes, always up-to-date, advanced profile pages with direct access to full text and a wide range of extras Also important: grey literature!
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam WHAT CAN YOU DO ? (AS RESEARCH DIRECTOR, PROGRAMME MANAGERS) 27Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library Ask for advice on OA publishing opportunities in your field: Opt for a fully OA journal whenever possible Go (also) Green allways: archive the Authors Post-print version in VUDare Budget for OA in your grant application Editors of non-OA journals: try to take part in the debate and to influence policy Give priority to requests from OA journals when conducting reviews Encourage your colleagues and PhD students, and inform them about OA options Let the University Library help you launch your own OA journal for your field ……………
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam LIKE TO KNOW MORE? QUESTIONS? 28Open Access at VU University Amsterdam | OA-team University Library General: and VU Open Access information point: creative commons licence: OA-team UBVU: Josje Calff, Reinout Dam, Marjet Elemans, Wouter Gerritsma, Pam Kaspers, Arjan de Rooy, Arjan Schalken, José Sterk