SAT Vocabulary Unit 1- List 1.


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Presentation transcript:

SAT Vocabulary Unit 1- List 1

Abhor Part of Speech- Verb Definition- to reject; to hate Example- Work at a job that you love, not one that you abhor.

Bigot Part of Speech- Noun Definition- Narrow minded, prejudiced person Example- The bigot was a lonely old man who thought everyone was inferior to him.

Counterfeit POS- Adjective Definition- fake; false Example: The Bank works closely with law enforcement agencies investigating counterfeit banknotes.

Enfranchise POS- Verb Definition- to give voting rights Example: The reform bill proper proposed to enfranchise every male citizen above 24 years of age with one year's residential qualification.

Hamper POS- Verb Definition- to hinder or obstruct Example: This awful traffic is definitely going to hamper our trip to the beach.

Kindle POS- Verb Definition- to start (a fire) Example- Among those he spoke to he was able to kindle enthusiasm and the spirit of cooperation.

Noxious POS- Adjective Definition- harmful; lethal; poisonous Example- We had to evacuate the building because of the noxious gas fumes that were apparent.

Placid POS- adjective Definition- Calm; Peaceful Example- While the water may appear placid right now, the waves were quite rough earlier.

Remuneration POS- Noun Definition- Payment for work done Example- The salary earned by teachers is not enough remuneration for all the work they do on a daily basis.

Talisman POS- Noun Definition- lucky charm Example- The gambler would not play a single game unless his talisman was in his shirt pocket.

Abrasive Part of speech- adjective Definition- rough; harsh; coarse

Bilk POS- Verb Definition- cheat; defraud

Covert POS- adjective Definition- hidden; undercover

Engender POS- verb Definition- cause

Hangar POS- noun Definition- storage area (like a garage) for a plane

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Knotty POS- adjective Definition- Difficult to solve; complex

Nuance POS- noun Definition- something subtle; a fine shade of meaning

Plagiarism POS- noun Definition- the taking of credit for someone else’s work/ideas

Renown POS- noun Definition- fame

Tangent POS- noun Definition- something that is off of the main topic

Abasement POS- Noun Definition- humiliation; degradation

Billowing POS- Verb Definition- waving; swelling; fluttering

Cower POS- Verb Definition- shrink away from something; recoil in fear

Enhance POS- Verb Definition- improve; make better

Harangue POS- Noun Definition- a loud, attacking speech

Labyrinth POS- Noun Definition- Maze

Nullify POS- Verb Definition- to counter; make void; make unimportant

Plaintiff POS- Noun Definition- Petitioner (in court)

Replete POS- Adjective Definition- full

Tangible POS- Adjective Definition- Can be touched

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Abrogate Part of Speech- VERB Definition- cancel; deny; repeal

Blasphemy Part of Speech- NOUN Definition- Speech which offends religious sentiments

Credible POS- ADJECTIVE Definition- believable

Enigma POS- NOUN Definition- puzzle; mystery

Harbingers POS- NOUN Definition- indicators; bringers of warnings

Labyrinthine POS- ADJECTIVE Definition- complicated; difficult

Plaudit POS- NOUN Definition- Statement giving strong praise

Nuzzle POS- Verb Definition- cuddle; snuggle

Reprehensible POS- Adjective Definition- Shameful; very bad

Tardy POS- Adjective Definition- slow; late; overdue; delayed

Absolution POS- Noun Definition- forgiveness; pardon; release

Blatant POS- Adjective Definition- Obvious; done openly; unconcealed

Creditable POS- Adjective Definition- Praiseworthy

Ensconce POS- Verb Definition- to establish/settle in a comfortable, safe place

Hasten POS- Verb Definition- hurry; accelerate; rush