OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 How to prepare data for integration in SeaDataNet V1? M. Fichaut, R. Lowry, R. Schlitzer
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 2 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Overview 2 parts First part gives an overview of SeaDataNet system and of the available tools that can be used by SeaDataNet partners, and details some practical use cases Second part is dedicated to ODV version 4 presentation
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 3 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SDN V1 – Data centres In SeaDataNet version 1 : 2 types of data centres Pilot data centres (11 TTT members + volunteers) Automatic data download from their system to SeaDataNet portal Requires a minimal technical infrastructure “Application server like TOMCAT or IIS” and software implementation including “Download manager” and “Coupling table” Other data centres Manual preparation of data for downloading by SeaDataNet Web portal
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 4 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 CDI CSR EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTALSEADATANET PORTAL European portal Collection of ASCII files Format X Data in Database Metadata in Database Data Input Metadata Input Metadata In Excel files Partner system : pilot data centre SeaDatanet Vocabulary NEMO ODV Med2MedSDN Coupling table Download Manager Collection of ASCII files Format SDN XML Metadata Files Local copy of data to download Data request Data download MIKADO XML Validator
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 5 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 CDI CSR EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTALSEADATANET PORTAL European portal Collection of ASCII files Format X Data in Database Metadata in Database Data Input Metadata Input Metadata In Excel files Partner system : other data centre SeaDatanet Vocabulary NEMO ODV Med2MedSDN Collection of ASCII files Format SDN XML Metadata Files Data download Local copy of data to download Data request by Manual preparation of data MIKADO XML Validator
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 6 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Summary SeaDataNet Vocabulary SeaDataNet formats SeaDataNet reformatting tools : NEMO and Med2MedSDN MIKADO tool and XML validator Interaction of these tools with the download manager Some use cases ODV version 4
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 7 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet vocabulary SeaDataNet vocabularies populate many metadata fields and the parameter descriptions in data They are delivered through a Vocabulary Server May be viewed through a client on the SeaDataNet web site ( May be accessed programmatically as described in Athens (IMDIS 2008 conference) Master copy of vocabularies always accessible from a well- known location (BODC) Vocabularies developed through the group governance of the SeaDataNet TTT or wider international bodies (SeaVoX, ICES platforms)
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 8 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet vocabulary Vocabularies in metadata Most partners will encounter vocabularies in metadata through Mikado and NEMO tools Most common problem will be that an entry required in a vocabulary isn’t there For example a ship required for a CSR record isn’t present in the C174 list. If this happens, contact the SeaDataNet help desk They will advise what you should do and contact Roy if necessary
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 9 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet vocabulary Vocabularies in metadata Adding new entries involves: Proposals for change are discussed on the appropriate list Editing the master vocabulary database Publication of the changes This takes time so please send requests as soon as possible and be patient.
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 10 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet vocabulary Vocabularies in metadata Ship codes If the ship isn’t present in the full ICES list as published on the ICES web site (the SeaDataNet Ship and Platform Codes at a new code must be obtained from ICES This has caused delays New on-line application system now available that will streamline the process (next April)
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 11 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet vocabulary Vocabularies in data Parameters are labelled using terms from the P011 vocabulary This is comprehensive, but very large (21,000 terms) Thesaurus navigation tool on the SeaDataNet web site ( 81 ) helps a lot 81 Mapping for MEDATLAS parameter codes under construction and accessible through NEMO and Med2MedSDN tools Report other mapping problems to the SeaDataNet help desk Roy will provide whatever help he can
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 12 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet formats ASCII formats defined for vertical profiles, times-series and trajectories ODV mandatory MEDATLAS optional NetCDF format CF (Climate and Forecast) compatible For gridded data (model output, satellite data and data syntheses) Also for other types of data difficult to handle in ASCII formats, due to their large volume or structural complexity Still being defined
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 13 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 SeaDataNet extensions to ODV and MEDATLAS (1) SeaDataNet format extensions fulfil two functions Provide a linkage between data and metadata ODV : 2 additional columns : LOCAL_CDI_ID and EDMO_CODE of the data centre providing the CDI MEDATLAS : 2 additional comment lines with key-words : * LOCAL_CDI_ID = * EDMO_CODE = Provide a linkage to standardised SeaDataNet semantic information such as detailed parameter descriptions ODV and MEDATLAS : additional comment lines
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 14 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Additional Comment lines for parameter mapping SeaDataNet extensions to ODV and MEDATLAS (2) ODV //SDN_parameter_mapping // SDN:LOCAL:DEPH SDN:P011::ADEPZZ01 SDN:P061::ULAA // SDN:LOCAL:TEMP SDN:P011::TEMPPR01 SDN:P061::UPAA MEDATLAS *SDN_parameter_mapping * SDN:LOCAL:PRES SDN:P011::PRESPR01 SDN:P061::UPDB * SDN:LOCAL:TEMP SDN:P011::TEMPPR01 SDN:P061::UPAA
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 15 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Tools to generate SeaDataNet ASCII formats NEMO JAVA tool to reformat ASCII files to SeaDataNet ODV and MEDATLAS formats - available under Windows Version and user manual available at : Med2MedSDN Java tool to translate MEDATLAS files to SeaDataNet MEDATLAS files - available under Windows Version 1.0 and user manual available at :
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 16 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO main features Reformat any ASCII file of vertical profiles, time-series or trajectories to a SeaDataNet ASCII format (ODV, MEDATLAS). The input ASCII files can be : one file per station for vertical profiles or time series one file for one cruise for vertical profiles, time series or trajectories Related to cruises or not If not related to cruise, only ODV re-formatting is available
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 17 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO main principles Users of NEMO describe the entry files format so that NEMO is able to find the information which is necessary in the SeaDataNet formats. One pre-requirement is that all entry files processed at the same time by NEMO must be at the same format : the information about the stations must : be located at the same position : same line in the file, same position on the line or same column if CSV format be in the same format, for example : for all the stations the latitude is : on line 3 on the station header, from character 21 to character 27, or 3 rd column in CSV the format is +DD.ddd Other pre-requirement is that data must be provided in columns in the data files.
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 18 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO – 5 steps for file conversion
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 19 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO : 5 steps Description of the file Description of the cruise : input manually or import of CSR XML V1 Description of the station header Description of the measured parameters File conversion Model can be saved and reused
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 20 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO – Description of the input files (1)
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 21 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO – Description of the input files (2)
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 22 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO new functionalities Trajectories taken into account SeaDataNet extensions to ODV and MEDATLAS formats Possibility to keep quality flags if existing in input files and to map them to SeaDataNet QC flags scale Generation of a CDI summary file directly usable by MIKADO to generate XML CDI exports Generation of the coupling file to make the mapping between a LOCAL_CDI_ID (one profile, one time-series or one trajectory) and the name of the file containing this LOCAl_CDI_ID. This coupling file is used by the download manage
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 23 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO next version will Correct the known bugs and the new ones if detected by users Take into account the last release of ODV format with date ISO and data type ‘*’ Improve time response for conversion of large volume files and for vocabulary update Take into account the ODV multi-station files as input of NEMO Be tested under Unix and Linux Be released in June 2009
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 24 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Med2MedSDN main features Reformats MEDATLAS files to MEDATLAS SeaDataNet format Java tool, bilingual (French, English) Adds the additional SeaDataNet information : mapping for parameters and LOCAL_CDI_ID and EDMO_CODE Able to reformat one file or a large number of files (in one directory) Linked to SeaDataNet vocabularies through Web services for parameters mapping and for list of EDMO codes Need of internet connexion while updating lists
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 25 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Med2MedSDN main screen
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 26 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Med2MedSDN log files Errors are registered in a log file which can be open through Med2MedSDN main screen by clicking on “see log” in the error window One line in the log file is composed as following: Date, Name of the Software, Error severity level, Error message INFOInformative messages for starting of the conversion or successful conversion ERROR For conversion errors : conversion is cancelled on the current file but continues on the other files FATALFor conversion errors which stop the processing of the files
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 27 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Med2MedSDN log file
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 28 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Med2MedSDN next version will Take into account the creation of the coupling file for SeaDataNet download manager Be released in June 2009
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 29 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Tool to generate XML meta-data files MIKADO JAVA tool to generate XML descriptions of SeaDataNet catalogues EDMED : catalogue of Marine Environmental Datasets EDMERP : Marine Environmental Research Projects CSR : Cruise Summary Reports CDI : Common Data Index Version 1.5 and user manual available at :
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 30 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 MIKADO version 1.5 New functionalities Download EDMED files directly from central BODC catalogue through Web services: for the time being, awaiting the new EDMED V1 user interface developments World map to manage Marsden squares for CSR Data centre type options for CDI (SeaDataNet, ECOOP) : to allow other data Website than SeaDataNet Mapping download from BODC : to get existing mappings from BODC web site Sybase driver for JDBC Vocabulary update without restarting Mikado
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 31 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Next versions of MIKADO Version 1.6 Being tested now Available next May Able to generate coupling.txt file used by the download manager, for data stored in ASCII files or in relational data base Version 1.7 EDIOS Released by the end of 2009
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 32 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO to MIKADO to SeaDataNet CDI SeaDataNet CDI Collection of ASCII files ASCII SDN files CDI summary CSV file MIKADO XML CDI files Explanation in NEMO user manual Summary_CDI_NEMO.xml
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 33 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Links with SDN Download manager Coupling table Coupling.txt File Modus 1,3 Download manager SeaDataNet portal SEADATANET PORTALSEADATANET PORTAL MIKADO Coupling.txt File Modus 1,2,3 Coupling.txt File Modus 1,3 Med2MedSDN Modus 1 : data in mono-station file Modus 2 : data in database Modus 3 : Data in multi-station file
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 34 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 CDI CSR EDMERP EDMED SEADATANET PORTALSEADATANET PORTAL European portal Collection of ASCII files Format X Data in Database Metadata in Database Data Input Metadata Input Metadata In Excel files Partner system : pilot data centre SeaDatanet Vocabulary NEMO ODV Med2MedSDN Coupling table Download Manager Collection of ASCII files Format SDN XML Metadata Files Local copy of data to download Data request Data download MIKADO XML Validator
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 35 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Use cases Pre-requirement for all use cases is : Preparation of the mapping between your metadata and : SeaDataNet vocabularies : Sea areas, BODC parameters (PDV), Platform classes, SDN device categories …. some mapping is already available on BODC Web site : MEDATLAS to PDV, MEDATLAS units to BODC storage units EDMO : Marine organisations EDMERP : Marine environmental projects (Incremental mapping managed by MIKADO) Quality checks of the data must be done using ODV or other software, before sending metadata to CDI
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 36 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Use case 1 – collection of XBTs or CTDs or Time-series files – no relational database 1.Verify that all files of the collection have homogeneous format 2.Run NEMO to convert the files to SeaDataNet ODV to generate a CDI summary file [To generate the coupling.txt file for these data] 3.Run MIKADO to generate the XML CDI files with the configuration file delivered with NEMO for the CDI summary file 4.Use the XML validator to validate your XML files 5.[Implement the coupling file] 6.Send the XML CDI files to central catalogue
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 37 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Use case 2 – collection of MEDATLAS files and metadata in relational database 1.Run Med2MedSDN to convert MEDATLAS files to MEDATLAS SDN files [To generate the coupling.txt file table for these MEDATLAS SDN files] 2.Run MIKADO on the metadata database to generate the XML CDI descriptions of the stations of these MEDATLAS files. [To generate the coupling.txt file table for these MEDATLAS SDN files] 3.Use the XML validator to validate your XML files 4.[Implement the coupling file] 5.Send the XML CDI files to central catalogue
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 38 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Use case 3 – collection of ASCII files and metadata in relational database 1.Run NEMO to convert ASCII files to ODV [and MEDATLAS] SDN files [to generate the coupling.txt file table for these SDN files] 2.Run MIKADO on the metadata database to generate the XML CDI descriptions of the stations of these files. [to generate the coupling.txt file table for these SDN files] 3.Use the XML validator to validate your XML files 4.[Implement the coupling file] 5.Send the XML CDI files to central catalogue
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 39 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 Use case 4 – XBTs, CTDs, Time-series measurements – data and metadata in a relational database 1.Run MIKADO To create the configuration to retrieve metadata on these data in the database To export the XML CDI corresponding files 2.Run MIKADO to create the coupling table with the appropriate select statement to retrieve these measurements in the database 3.Use the XML validator to validate your XML files 4.Implement the coupling file 5.Send the XML CDI files to central catalogue
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 40 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 NEMO and Med2MedSDN demonstrations are possible, just ask!!! Questions or problems on MIKADO are welcome too.
OBSERVATIONS & PRÉVISIONS CÔTIÈRES 41 SeaDataNet annual meeting, Madrid, March 2009 And now All about ODV, version 4, by Reiner ……………