EUMETSAT Geostationary Programmes Joaquin Gonzalez on behalf of Ernst Koenemann Director Programme Development
EUMETSAT’s geostationary satellite coverage Meteosat-9 (0° Longitude) Meteosat-8 (9.5° E) Meteosat-7 (57.5° E) Meteosat-6 (67.5° E) 60 S 80 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 20 40 60 100 120 140 160 180
EUMETSAT space segment and Launch Schedule
Geostationary satellites Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) consists of a series of four geostationary weather satellites scheduled to operate consecutively until 2018 provides important image data on European weather on a daily basis, every 15 minutes through 12 spectral bands Meteosat-9 (in operation since 2006) provides data collection and environmental monitoring data Meteosat-8 (in operation since 2004) provides Rapid Scan Service (RSS) images every five minutes RSS delivers image data and meteorological products for the detection of rapidly developing localised convective weather systems.
Meteosat Third Generation, MTG – The Observations Missions From the Instruments on board the MTG - I satellites: the Full Disk High Spectral resolution Imagery (FDHSI) mission, the High spatial Resolution Fast refresh Imagery (HRFI) mission, the Lightning Imagery (LI) mission, From the Instruments on board the MTG-S satellites: the InfraRed Sounding (IRS) mission, the GMES Sentinel - 4 (S4) sounding mission.
Flexible Combined (FC) Imager The Flexible Combined Imager supports the FDHSI and HRFI missions. Basic repeat cycle of 10 min Full Disk coverage The Local Area Coverage zone can be positioned anywhere over the Full Disk Coverage. Possible repeat cycle of 10/2, 10/3 or 10/4 minutes, with the coverage reduced proportionally. Challenges compared to MSG: improved Spatial Resolution (0.5 - 2 km) faster basic repeat cycle (brc = 10 min) better spectral coverage (more channels) improved spectral accuracy improved radiometric accuracy
(*) ext dyn range for fire applic Meteosat Imaging Requirements evolution Meteosat 1 st Generation Meteosat 2 nd Generation Meteosat 3 rd Generation 'Core' Central Width Spatial Central Width Spatial Central Width Spatial channels wavelength (FWHM) Sampling wavelength (FWHM) Sampling wavelength (FWHM) Sampling ( m m) ( m m) (km) ( m m) ( m m) (km) ( m m) ( m m) (km) FC - VIS 0.4 0.444 0.06 1.0 FC - VIS 0.5 **HRV 0.510 0.04 1.0 1.0** FC - VIS 0.6 0. 7 0.35 2.5 0.635 0.08 0.640 0.05 0.5 + 1.0 3.0 FC - VIS 0.8 0.81 0.07 3.0 0.865 0.05 1.0 FC - NIR 0.9 0.914 0.02 1.0 FC - NIR 1.3 1. 380 0.03 1.0 FC - NIR 1.6 1.64 0.14 3.0 1.61 0.05 1.0 FC - NIR 2.2 2.25 0.05 0.5 + 1.0 FC - IR 3.8 * 3.9 0.44 3.0 3.8 0.40 1.0 + 2.0 FC - IR 6.3 6.1 1.3 5.0 6.2 1.0 3.0 6.3 1.00 2.0 FC - IR 7.3 7.35 0.5 3.0 7.35 0.50 2.0 FC - * Dynamical range of FC-IR 3.8 and FC-IR 8.7 channels extended to serve fire community 8 solar channels and 8 thermal long wave channels enhancement of the high resolution visible channel 0,6 ucron 2,26 ucron channel added for cloud microphysics ( particle size and aerosols) increased dynamical ranhe for the 3,8 and 8,5 channel for fire detection All vcannels < 3.8 see the refelcted sun strahlung New application for Aerosol in the short wave channels 0.444 and 0.510 And the 2.25 um for particel size IR 8.7 * 8.7 0.4 3.0 8.7 0.40 2.0 FC - IR 9.7 9.66 0.3 3.0 9.66 0.30 2.0 FC - IR 10.5 11.5 1.9 5.0 10.8 1.0 3.0 10.5 0.7 1.0 + 2.0 FC - IR 12.3 12.0 1.0 3.0 12.3 0.5 2.0 FC - IR 13.3 13.4 1.0 3.0 13.3 0.60 2.0 (*) ext dyn range for fire applic Repeat Cycle : 30 min 15 min 10 min
MTG IR Sounding Mission Priorities IRS Mission Atmospheric dynamic variables with high vertical resolution (e.g. water vapour flux, wind profile, transport of pollutant gases) More frequent information on Temperature and Humidity profiles for NWP (regional and global) Monitoring of instability / early warning of convective intensity Cloud microphysical structure support chemical weather and air quality applications Hyperspectral IR sounding with focus on time evolution of vertically resolved water vapour structures
MTG IR Sounding Mission Repeat sequence selectable from four Local Area Coverage (LAC) zones. Each LAC zone covers a quarter of the Full Disc Coverage (FDC), described by a circle of 17.7° centred on the Sub-Satellite Point (SSP) LAC zone can be positioned anywhere over the FDC. A LAC zone is scanned within 15 minutes. The full disc is scanned in 60 Minutes Spectral resolution 0,62 1/cm Wavenumber Spatail resolution 4 km 1800 channels
MTG Lightning Mission The LI continuously monitors lightning flashes - In Cloud (IC), Cloud to Cloud (CC), and Cloud to Ground (CG) - during day and night, covering an area of the earth disk within a circle of 16° in diameter subtended from the geo-stationary position and shifted northward to cover EUMETSAT member states. Detection efficiency maximised over Europe [DE=90% for E > 10 over Europe and 70% elsewhere - to be assessed for energies below 10] On ground correction for achieving the specified False Alarm Rate [350/s with 50% cloud cover and 80% albedo (worst case conditions). FAR=2/s after level 1b processing on ground ]
MTG UVN- S4 Mission for Atmospheric Chemistry The GMES Sentinel -4 (S4) sounding mission is achieved through the Ultraviolet, Visible & Near-infrared (UVN) Instrument accommodated on the MTG-S satellites covering Europe every hour taking measurements in three spectral bands (UV: 305 - 400 nm; VIS: 400 - 500 nm, NIR: 750 - 775 nm) with a resolution around 8km. The primary data products are O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO and aerosol optical depth. In addition the MTG-IRS is expected to provide information on O3 and CO.
MTG in Orbit deployment, Status September 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 MTG-I-1 MTG-I-2 MSG-4 MTG-I-3 MTG-I-4 MTG-S-1 with S4 MTG-S-2 with S4 At least 20 years of Operational Service – Imaging Missions 15.5 years of Operational Service – Sounding Missions Dec-17 Dec-22 Jan-26 Dec-30 Jun-19 Jun-27
MTG in Orbit Configuration The payload complement of the MTG-I satellite consists of: the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) the Lightning Imager (LI) the Data Collection System (DCS) and Search and Rescue (GEOSAR) The payload complement of the MTG-S satellite consists of: the Infrared Sounder (IRS) the Ultra-violet, Visible and Near Infrared Sounder (UVN). UVN is provided as GMES Sentinel 4 Instruments MTG-I Imaging Satellite MTG-S Sounding Satellite
MTG – Overall system configuration - overview satellites - nominal operational configuration two MTG-I one MTG-S Ground segment – MCC (Mission Control Centre) is the aggregate of the Ground Segment elements at the central site. Satellites P/L MTG-I : FCI, LI , plus DCS, and SAR MTG-S: IRS , UVN
Thank you for your attention, EUMETSAT Thank you for your attention, further and more detailed information can be found at: