Vocab 9. Affinity: – Noun a liking for something or someone; or a talent – Synonyms – fondness for, liking of Allude: – Verb – to hint at; to make an.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocab 9

Affinity: – Noun a liking for something or someone; or a talent – Synonyms – fondness for, liking of Allude: – Verb – to hint at; to make an indirect reference – Synonym - hint Berth: – Noun – a bunk on a ship or train; a space wide enough to keep things from touching – Synonyms – bed, bunk

Buffet: – Verb – to strike repeatedly – Noun – A self served meal chosen from a variety of food – Synonym – strike, pound Confine: – Verb – to keep in one place – Noun – a holding place – Antonym – release, free

Cumulative: – Adjective – additional gathering over time – Antonym – be subtracted from, reduce, count against Elysian: – Adjective – delightful – Antonym – hideous, depressing Evacuate: – Verb – to empty; abandon – Antonym – fill, flood

Loot: – Verb – to steal during or shortly after a time of disorder – Synonym – steal, illegally take Turmoil: – Noun – a condition of great confusion or upset – Antonym – calmness, ease