12/9/10 Pilot assessment impact- paperwork Findings of the expert panels- report + appendix Lessons learned- feedback from pilot institutions Examples good case studies Original and revised guidance given to Institutions All on
12/9/10 Main outcomes Case studies good way for assessing impact – across disciplines and using same approach and weighting Case studies varied widely in nature and whether based around individuals or teams Main criteria used – ‘reach’ and ‘significance’- OK Impact statements were less valuable in discriminating good impact- needed to be more strategic
12/9/10 Earth Systems & Environmental Science 4*3*2*1*U UOA average Institution A05000 Institution B50000 Institution C Institution D Institution E Institution F25 0 Institution G Institution H Institution I Institution J
12/9/10 English Language & Literature 4*3*2*1*U UOA profile Institution A Institution B Institution C Institution D Institution E Institution F Institution G Institution H Institution I Institution J Institution K Institution L Institution M
12/9/10 Issues identified with submissions Failure to demonstrate that the impact was based on high quality research (minimum 2*) Failure to provide transparent evidence- i)to link the impact with research, ii) demonstrate that impact had happened Many cases were ‘poorly narrated’ Use of public engagement, special advisory work and policy as examples of impact – all acceptable but link with individual, group or departments OWN research must be clearly illustrated
12/9/10 Users Panel chairs emphasised the vital role of users on panel Most Case studies evaluated by 3-4 panel members (ratio 50:50) users to academics Most users will be recruited in 2013 to take part in assessment in brought in for the Impact assessment Some concern from HEIs re availability of sufficient high quality informed users
12/9/10 Issues with process -future changes Templates need to be altered to put description of research first Examples needed to be given- guidance too abstract Weighting not yet decided – consulting with community. Likely to be 15-20%. Impact statements may go into environment section
12/9/10 Lessons for us Start now- time consuming and involves wide range academics, admin and support staff Impact is based on historical activity – need good institutional memory Will probably be 1 case study per 10 FTEs Need academic champion(s) in each UoA Involvement central administrators essential High level academic committee to over see draft examples and development to final stage
12/9/10 Timescales Main panels start to meet early 2011 March broad framework for Impact Assessment published July guidance on submissions published Autumn panels consulted on criteria January panel criteria and working methods published