Teachers as researchers: Taking a road less travelled Dr Zeynep Onat Stelma University of Manchester
Teacher roles Teacher as …………….. Teacher as researcher? –What is involved in teacher research?
Action research Review literature/ narrow the focus Choose method of data collection Collect, analyse, and interpret information Develop, implement, and monitor action plan Identify an issue (Adapted from Farrell, 2007)
Identify an issue Purpose Topic End result Feasibility (time and resources)
Review literature and narrow down the focus See what studies have been done. Look for similarities and differences. Narrow down your focus if necessary.
Data collection Journals/teaching logs Observation Questionnaires Interviews Recordings/notes
Analyse and interpret Are there any patterns in your data? Build an interpretation of your findings.
Action Plan! Do you need to change your teaching practice? If so, what do you need to do? How will you monitor the change?
Collaboration with colleagues How can you work with colleagues in your institution in action research?
You are all set!! Take the road less travelled and see what sights you will encounter! Share your experiences with your colleagues and see what they have found. Share your experiences with the wider teaching community and see if there are similar projects going on around you. Be brave! You know you can do it!
Helpful sources: Burns, A. (1999) Collaborative action research for English Language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Farrell, T. S. C. (2007) Reflective language teaching: from research to practice. London: Continuum. Wallace, M. J. (1998) Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thank you for listening and working so hard on a Saturday!!