Kirk Scott Computer Science The University of Alaska Anchorage 1
These overheads fall into 3 sections: 1. An explanation of MISC in general 2. Modifications to MISC 3. What is the Point of This? 2
MISC is a Java simulation of a simple CPU The simulation includes a simple machine language Machine programs can be written in this language 4
MISC contains a simple operating system The operating system functions are written in Java as part of the simulation In MISC, absolute machine code is loaded at memory address 0 and executed there Program loading and execution in MISC can be modified in several ways 5
Bytes and registers Bytes, words, and memory General remarks on machine instruction execution Fetch, decode, and execute The machine language instruction set 6
General remarks on the form of machine language An example program The Java methods comprising the simulation The command line interface A summary of the structure of the Java simulation by class, constructor, and method 7
The MISC architecture makes use of 4 byte words The contents of a register are modeled by an object containing a character array of 8 bytes 8
Each bit is modeled by the presence of the character ‘1’ or the character ‘0’ in a position in an 8 byte array The registers are packaged together in an array named “reg” The index of the array identifies the particular register 9
Registers: register namedecimal indexbinary code identificationin reg arrayof index unusedreg[0]" " general purpose Areg[1]" " Breg[2]" " Creg[3]" " Dreg[4]" " 10
Registers, cont’d.: register namedecimal indexbinary code identificationin reg arrayof index memory offsets codeoffsetreg[5]" " dataoffsetreg[6]" " unused1reg[7]" " unused2reg[8]" " unused3reg[9]" " flagreg[10]" " 11
Registers, cont’d.: register namedecimal indexbinary code identificationin reg arrayof index control unit registers instructionreg[11]" " operand1reg[12]" " operand2reg[13]" " extrareg[14]" " ALU registers aluinreg1reg[15]" " aluinreg2reg[16]" " aluoutregreg[17]" " 12
A word in MISC consists of 4 bytes Memory is implemented as an array of words The index of the array is the word offset into memory Memory:array name memory[] 13
These are the general rules for move and arithmetic instructions ◦ A register or a memory variable can be a destination ◦ A constant, a register, or a memory variable can be a source ◦ Memory to memory operations are not allowed 14
A program is loaded to memory location 0 by default The machine takes control of execution The machine steps through the program code until it encounters an empty (“ ”) instruction byte 15
Execution starts with the value 0 in the code offset register The next 4 contiguous bytes of code memory are put into the instruction, operand1, operand2, and extra registers After the retrieval of each instruction the code offset is incremented for the next retrieval 16
The MOVE Instruction assembly instructionmethod in simulationmachine instruction MOVE register, registervoid moveDestRegSrcReg()“ ” MOVE memory, registervoid moveToMemFromReg()“ ” MOVE register, memoryvoid movetoregfrommem()“ ” MOVE memory, constantvoid movetomemfromconst()“ ” MOVE register, constantvoid movetoregfromconst()“ ” 17
The ADD Instruction assembly instructionmethod in simulationmachine instruction ADD register, registervoid addDestRegSrcReg()“ ” ADD memory, registervoid addToMemFromReg()“ ” ADD register, memoryvoid addToRegFromMem()“ ” ADD memory, constantvoid addToMemFromConst()“ ” ADD register, constantvoid addToRegFromConst()“ ” 18
The SUB Instruction assembly instructionmethod in simulationmachine instruction SUB register, registervoid subDestRegSrcReg()“ ” SUB memory, registervoid subFromMemSrcReg()“ ” SUB register, memoryvoid subFromRegSrcMem()“ ” SUB memory, constantvoid subFromMemSrcConst()“ ” SUB register, constantvoid subFromRegSrcConst()“ ” 19
The JUMP Instruction assembly instructionmethod in simulationmachine instruction JMP unsigned integervoid jumpUnconditional()“ ” JPOS unsigned integervoid jumpOnPositive()“ ” JNEG unsigned integervoid jumpOnNegative()“ ” JZERO unsigned integervoid jumpOnZero()“ ” JOVER unsigned integervoid jumpOnOverflow()“ ” 20
The data declarations come first, then the program code The program will be loaded at offset 0 Words 0-7 are reserved for data variables and will be filled with 0’s if there are not that many variables No program, including data, can be longer than 31 lines The source file signals termination with a row of asterisks 21
Data Declaration Line Byte 1: value Bytes 2-4: unused Line of Code Byte 1: instruction Byte 2: operand 1 Byte 3: operand 2 Byte 4: unused 22
The example is a machine language program that sums the first 10 integers The machine language alone with artificial line breaks and segment labels follows The *’s are used on input to detect the end of the program. 23
data segment
code segment ******************************** 25
/.DATA/// /LOOPLIM/X0B// loop limit offset 0, value 11 /ACCUM/X00// accumulator offset 1, value 0 26
/.CODE/// /MOVE/D/X01/ move reg D, const 1 movetoregfromconst 4, 1 /.LABEL/LOOPTOP// /ADD/ACCUM/D/ (LABEL) add data offset 1, reg D addtomemfromreg 1, 4 27
/ADD/D/X01/ add reg D, 1 addtoregfromconst 4, 1 /MOVE/C/LOOPLIM/ move reg C, data offset 0 movetoregfrommem 3, 0 28
/SUB/C/D/ sub reg C, reg D subtractdestregsrcreg 3, 4 /JPOS/LOOPTOP// Since space is reserved for 8 variables, the first instruction comes at word 8. jump on positive to “LABEL” jumponpositive 9 ******** ******** ******** ******** /.END/// 29
The simulation consists of 4 java files: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ MachineOSProgram contains main() 30
MISC presents these 3 command prompts: rpf (run program file) dmc (dump memory contents) exit 31
rpf = run program file This prompts the user for the machine language program to run Machine language programs should be text files 32
dmc = dump machine contents This prompts the user for the name of the output file to create This should be a text file MISC has no I/O capabilities You know what a program did by looking at the dmc file 33
exit = quit the simulation 34 This is the heart of the simulation It contains these critical methods: ◦ totalReset() ◦ resetOffsets() ◦ takeControl() 35 This has a constructor in which a copy of the Machine is constructed It contains these critical methods: ◦ runProgramFile() ◦ dumpMemoryContents() 36 This contains the main() method It is the simulation driver In it a copy of the Osystem is constructed It loops, checking for user input from the command prompt 37
MyTerminalIO This presents the command prompt in a graphical user interface 38
MISC can be modified to illustrate these operating system concepts: ◦ Memory allocation ◦ Absolute code ◦ Relative code ◦ Concurrency and scheduling 39
By default, programs in MISC are loaded and executed at address 0 in memory The following overhead shows a dmc file after running the example program 40
memory contents … 41
Here are three possible modifications to MISC: 1. Load machine programs at addresses other than 0 ◦ Modify relative code to absolute code for a non- zero address 2. Load machine programs at addresses other than 0 with dynamic address checking ◦ Load relative code and modify the simulation to check memory accesses 42
3. Load and run more than one machine program at a time ◦ This builds on modification 2 ◦ Memory accesses for each loaded program have to be correctly handled ◦ Execution of multiple programs also involves scheduling 43
Support program loading at an address other than 0 Alter the machine program code at load time Memory address references are changed to correspond with the load address The loaded program is absolute code for the new address The following overhead shows a dmc file after running the example program with these modifications 44
memory contents … … 45
Support program loading at an address other than 0 Do not alter the machine program code at load time A machine language program is loaded to an address other than 0 The machine code is relative code 46
Each time the running machine program wants to do a memory access, it returns the relative address in the machine code to the operating system The operating system checks to see if it’s within range 47
The operating system adds the memory access to the base address where the program was loaded The operating system passes this absolute address back to the machine for program memory access The following overhead shows a dmc file after running the example program with these modifications It looks no different from the previous modification 48
memory contents … … 49
Modify MISC to load and run more than one machine language program concurrently Round robin scheduling can be implemented Instead of time-slicing, use instruction counts Switch between from one machine program to another when it has executed a fixed number of instructions Note that threading of command prompt input is necessary to accomplish this 50
The following overhead shows a dmc file taken midstream while two copies of the machine language program are running It illustrates that concurrency is taking place Look at the second data variable, the accumulator Both programs have non-zero totals Neither program has yet reached the final value of
memory contents … … 52
MISC and the modifications given are used as part of a course on operating systems Students are given the original version of MISC and do the modifications as assignments Because MISC is written in Java, the students program their solutions by writing Java code Students can work on operating system concepts without having to work with kernel code of a live operating system 53
MISC as is, or expanded and modified, could be used in other areas of computer science ◦ Machine language coding ◦ Other operating system concepts ◦ Language translation ◦ Machine level operating system implementation ◦ Security exercises 54
MISC could also be modified for additional purposes Its machine language could be expanded It could then be used as a testbed for machine language coding 55
MISC could be extended to cover other operating system concepts For example, different scheduling algorithms could be implemented 56
MISC and its machine language could be used as part of an exercise in language translation It would be possible to write an assembler for MISC It would be possible to define a simple high- level language for MISC and write a compiler for it 57
The MISC machine language could be extended It could include memory operations It could include all operations needed in order to support operating system functionality 58
If this were done, a big conceptual jump would be possible The operating system of MISC would not be Java code, Osystem A complete operating system in MISC machine language could be written Running the MISC simulation would consist of loading and running this machine language program 59
If the previous step were taken, MISC would closely resemble a real operating system environment It would then become possible to write malware for that environment For example, it would become possible to write code which caused buffer overflows in the MISC operating system 60
The overall idea is this: A basic version of MISC exists The three basic modifications have been developed MISC has potential for further development in other areas 61