Your child’s teacher Mrs. Diane Lamendola Teaching in PS 193 for 17 years Philosophy : Fulfill each child’s academic needs and facilitate a community of motivated learners who achieve their full potential in a collaborative and supportive environment. Contact me via class messenger : sign up sheet was given out in class
MATHEMATICS Go Math program: aligned to common core learning standards. Topics: Number sense and place value, addition and subtraction, measurement and data, geometry and fractions at the end of the year. Routines: AM – Math Message/Problem of the day: children work together and share ideas and strategies while having the option to use manipulatives Math Lesson Page in student edition and/or math game with partner/small group to reinforce concept taught/differentiated instruction: reteach/enrich Homework will match the lesson taught that day or will review a previous concept. Skills assigned on Think Central Consider purchasing Go Math App for grade 2 on IPAD to reinforce learning
LITERACY READING Goal for second grade is to increase reading stamina and raise reading level, develop vocabulary, increase fluency and promote comprehension Ready Gen reading program: aligned to common core learning standards Children will be assessed three times per year using Fontas and Pinnell benchmark assessment system on a non fiction book. You will receive a letter indicating their level after child is assessed. Independent Reading for 20 minutes each day in class and at home with a short response. Read Aloud by teacher each day Keep track of books on index cards as a book log Children will get a choice of a reward after reading five books.
WRITING Common Core writing standards using Teachers’ College Writing Program Begin with opinion writing about characters in our books using evidence to support opinions. narrative writing: a real or imagined story with real characters/setting/events Responding to reading from focused questions from stories and using evidence to support answers. Write informative/explanatory texts in which students introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Poetry writing Learning the writing process of drafting, revising, editing and publishing
Other Subjects Social Studies two/three times a week: My Community and Other Communities Topics: geography, how communities are alike and different, how and why New York City changed over time, meaning of government, urban, rural and suburban communities. Science once a week/supplemented in class Topics: materials that make up the Earth, forces and motion: what causes objects to move? How are plants alike and different? Handwriting two times a week
Specials Monday- Art Tuesday – Computer Wednesday – Physical Ed. With gym teacher Thursday – Music/Phys. Ed with me Friday- Science Wednesdays and Thursdays wear sneakers for gym Library TBA Trips will be planned with the grade: Very important to return trip money on time
Homework and Tests Please contact me if there is difficulty completing homework Reading/writing each night, spelling, phonics and math, Social Studies once or twice a week Homework Log for missed h.w. Spelling tests every Friday Math Test after every unit taken on Think Central: missed skills will be assigned on computer Social Studies tests Science projects
Conferences & Report Cards Parent -Teacher Conference Dates: Nov. 5th (Fall) March 7th or 8th (Spring) Parent Engagement Time on Tuesdays If you would like to speak with teacher, please Email for a Tuesday appointment School Website: http://ps193q.weebly.com/
Additional Information Please use my website for resources: http://teacherweb.com/NY/PS193q/MrsLamendola Password: MrsL2203 Students should always have a book baggie with their just right books. Snack each day between 10:00 and 10:30 - healthy snacks please and water only Birthdays celebrated with at least three days notice. Occasionally think central skills will be given for homework. Please have a computer available for your child to use if possible. Resources on Ipad: especially Go Math Grade 2
WISH LIST Gallon size zip lock bags Extra Crayons Parent to type up class list Parent to collect and keep track of trip slips and trip money