Reading Recovery A presentation by Sharon Ferrari
What is Reading Recovery?
How can Reading Recovery help my child learn to read?
Reading Recovery is an international program founded by Marie Clay.
It is a twenty week program.
Student work one on one every day for thirty minutes with a certified teacher trained in Reading Recovery.
Students work on a number of reading and writing activities.
Familiar Reading Students read a familiar book to improve fluency and expression while reading.
The Running Record During each lesson students’ reading is assessed. The teacher takes a running record on the new book from yesterday’s lesson. The running record is analyzed by the teacher to determine the student’s reading strengths and weaknesses.
Word Work Students use magnetic letters to take apart words in order to use word parts in reading and writing.
Writing Students compose a brief message in their writing books.
Cut-Up Sentence Students’ stories are cut into words and word parts to be reassembled during the lesson and for further practice at home.
New Book Each lesson concludes with the introduction of a new book. Students read the new book with teacher assistance.
Practice at Home Familiar books and a cut-up sentence are sent home nightly. Please take the time to work with your child on these important skills.
This is an exciting time for you and your child. Your child is about to become a reader and a writer!