Experiment Management System CSE 423 Aaron Kloc Jordan Harstad Robert Sorensen Robert Trevino Nicolas Tjioe Status Report Presentation Industry Mentor: Jack Harris Group Members
Current Experiment on Palm Lab Information from each hosts are collected separately. The experiment data is not centralized or time synchronized.
Project Goal Create an extensible network environment for integrating different hardware data collection systems used in research experiments To have a centralized information store of significant data collected from the multiple systems that are time synchronized.
Tasks 1)Create protocol specification for data to be passed between research collection system and the Experiment Management System (EMS). 2)Design a Database for housing the experiment information 3) Install all required support software for the EMS (OS, Web Server, Database). 4) Produce a web based user interface for the EMS system that allows researchers control over experiments and consolidated research data. 5) Create EMS server software that that can communicate to the Agents using this protocol and store information into a database
1)Create protocol specification for data to be passed between research collection system and the Experiment Management System (EMS). Solution: Using the Perl programming language an admin can easily connect to an existing MySQL database by supplying an IP, a port number, a user name, and a password.
2)Design a Database for housing the experiment information Solution: A MySQL server will be created that can be connected to from a remote source. A routine within the database will sort received data into a table within the database.
3)Install all required support software for the EMS (OS, Web Server, Database). Solution: Each terminal will require a customized setup depending on the devices connected. The existing terminal will have a fixed configuration for the devices connected. It is assumed that each device connected stores generated data on the terminal in a known folder. After completing the project to use static data files, the use streaming devices will be added.
4)Produce a web based user interface for the EMS system that allows researchers control over experiments and consolidated research data. Solution: Viewable experiment data will only be located on the MySQL server. This will allow an admin to view the data from a remote location and filter the data. The admin will also have the ability to transfer data from a terminal to the database so it may be viewed.
5)Create EMS server software that that can communicate to the Agents using this protocol and store information into a database Solution: An application will be installed on an admin machine. If the machine is located on the same network as the database then the user can interact with the system, via a GUI, if a valid user name and password are supplied. Each terminal will have a application that can be run to add new devices. For static data devices this application will specify a device name, id, and a path to the data source. After completing the project to use static data files, the use streaming devices will be added.
Prototype Design Network
Planned Schedule
Forthcoming Difficulties Permissions For network access and file copying and transferring. Language and Architecture Perl & SQL. Most group members have none or little experience. Experiment Data Management Live Data Stream and Static files must be recognized and handled differently while maintaining uniformity within the database. Device data generation Devices connected to a terminal will likely store their data in different locations.
Device data format Devices connected to a terminal will likely have widely varying data formats. Creating a generic application that can recognize all data formats as well as recognizing new types will prove difficult. GUI administration to administer the experiments. Timed start and stop functions Forthcoming Difficulties
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