Database Security
Reading assignments Required: Pfleeger: Chapter 6 (except 6.3) Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model (S. Jajodia, R. S. Sandhu. Toward a Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model. Proc. 1991 ACM Int'l. Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 50-59. ) Recommended: Polyinstantiation (Sushil Jajodia, Ravi S. Sandhu, and Barbara T. Blaustein, Solutions to the Polyinstantiation Problem, MLS/RDMS Architectures (LouAnna Notargiacomo, Architectures for MLS Database Management Systems CSCE 522 - Farkas
Database Management System (DBMS) Collection of interrelated data and set of programs to access the data Convenient and efficient processing of data Database Application Software CSCE 522 - Farkas
Data Models A collection of tools for describing Data Relationships among data items Semantics of stored data Database constraints CSCE 522 - Farkas
Relational Data Model Works Person-name Company-name Salary Smith BB&C $43,982 Dell Bell $97,900 Black $35,652 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Relational Data Model Set of relation names: R Set of attribute names: A Relation schema: S=(r,{a1, …,an}) r relation name in R {a1, …,an} subset of A e.g., (Works,{person-name,company-name,salary}) CSCE 522 - Farkas
Tuple (Record) e.g., t(person-name)=Smith Tuple over a relation scheme S is a mapping t: {a1, …,an} dom(a1 … an) e.g., t(person-name)=Smith t(company-name)=BB&C t(salary)= $43,982 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Relation Relation over schema S is a set of tuples over the scheme e.g., t(person-name)=Smith, t(company-name)=BB&C, t(salary)=$43,982 t’(person-name)=Dell, t’(company-name)=Bell, t’(salary)= $97,900 t”(person-name)=Black, t”(company-name)=BB&C, t”(salary)= $35,652 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Database Database: set of relations e.g., EMPLOYEE database: Lives(person-name,street,city) Works(person-name,company-name,salary) Located-in(company-name,city) Manages(person-name,manager-name) CSCE 522 - Farkas
Query Languages Relational Algebra SQL Set operations Bag operations CSCE 522 - Farkas
Relational Algebra Select () Project () Set difference (-) Union () Rename (Px(r)) Set intersection () Natural join () CSCE 522 - Farkas
Structured Query Language SQL Typical SQL query form: SELECT A1, A2, ..., An FROM r1, r2, ..., rm WHERE C Ais represent attributes to be returned ris represent relations C is a condition CSCE 522 - Farkas
Constraints Relationship among data elements DBMS should enforce the constraints Types Keys Foreign-key (referential integrity) Value-based constraints Integrity constraints Database dependencies (e.g., functional dependencies) CSCE 522 - Farkas
Database Security Requirements Physical database integrity Logical database integrity Element integrity Auditability Access control User authentication Availability CSCE 522 - Farkas
Sensitive data Inherently sensitive From a sensitive source Declared sensitive Part of a sensitive attribute or record In relation to previously disclosed information CSCE 522 - Farkas
Types of disclosures Exact data Range of data Negative results Existence Probable values CSCE 522 - Farkas
Access control Operating system Database Management System Granularity! CSCE 522 - Farkas
Granularity Database Relation Record Attribute Element Advantages vs. disadvantages of supporting different granularity levels CSCE 522 - Farkas
Relation-Level Granularity (Works)= Secret Person-name Company-name Salary Smith BB&C $43,982 Dell Bell $97,900 Black $35,652 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Tuple-level Granularity Works Person-name Company-name Salary Smith BB&C $43,982 P Dell Bell $97,900 S Black $35,652 P CSCE 522 - Farkas
Attribute-Level Granularity Works Person- name =P Company-name =P Salary =S Smith BB&C $43,982 Dell Bell $97,900 Black $35,652 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Cell-Level Granularity Works Person-name Company-name Salary Smith P BB&C P $43,982 S Dell S Bell S $97,900 S Black P BB&C S $35,652 S CSCE 522 - Farkas
Access Control Mechanisms Security through Views Stored Procedures Grant and Revoke Query modification CSCE 522 - Farkas
Security Through Views Assign rights to access predefined views CREATE VIEW Outstanding-Student AS SELECT NAME, COURSE, GRADE FROM Student WHERE GRADE > B Problem: Difficult to maintain updates. CSCE 522 - Farkas
Security Through Views Student relation NAME COURSE GRADE SEMESTER White CSCE 122 C+ Fall 2000 Black CSCE 313 A Brown CSCE 580 Spring 2000 Green CSCE 850 B+ Blue B CSCE 522 - Farkas
Security Through Views CREATE VIEW Outstanding-Student AS SELECT NAME, COURSE, GRADE FROM Student WHERE GRADE > B Outstanding-Student NAME COURSE GRADE Black CSCE 313 A Brown CSCE 580 Green CSCE 850 B+ CSCE 522 - Farkas
Security Through Views CREATE VIEW Fall-Student AS SELECT NAME, COURSE FROM Student WHERE SEMESTER=“Fall 2000” NAME COURSE White CSCE 122 Black CSCE 313 Green CSCE 850 Blue Fall-Student CSCE 522 - Farkas
Stored Procedures Assign rights to execute compiled programs GRANT RUN ON <program> TO <user> Problem: Programs may access resources for which the user who runs the program does not have permission. CSCE 522 - Farkas
Grant and Revoke GRANT <privilege> ON <relation> To <user> [WITH GRANT OPTION] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRANT SELECT * ON Student TO Matthews GRANT SELECT *, UPDATE(GRADE) ON Student TO FARKAS GRANT SELECT(NAME) ON Student TO Brown GRANT command applies to base relations as well as views CSCE 522 - Farkas
Grant and Revoke REVOKE <privileges> [ON <relation>] FROM <user> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVOKE SELECT* ON Student FROM Blue REVOKE UPDATE ON Student FROM Black REVOKE SELECT(NAME) ON Student FROM Brown CSCE 522 - Farkas
Non-cascading Revoke A B C D E F A revokes D’s privileges E B A F C Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Cascading Revoke A B C D E F A revokes D’s privileges B A C Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Positive and Negative Authorization B C E D + - Problem: Contradictory authorizations GRANT <privilege> ON X TO <user> DENY <privilege> ON X TO <user> Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Negative Authorization B C E D + - - Positive authorization granted By A to D becomes blocked but NOT deleted. Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Negative Authorization B C E D + - - + F What should happen with the privilege given by D To F? (Blocked but not deleted) Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas
Query Modification GRANT SELECT(NAME) ON Student TO Blue WHERE COURSE=“CSCE 590” Blue’s query: SELECT * FROM Student Modified query: SELECT NAME WHERE COURSE=“CSCE 580” CSCE 522 - Farkas
Next Class: Inference Problem Lecture 17 CSCE 522 - Farkas