EDS TPF DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM Chuck Hammond & Betty Steele May 14, 2004
EDS Confidential2 TDP Objectives Develop strategic plans for a common set of TPF development tools that conform with EDS & IBM direction and industry trends –Follow EDS Direction –Remain Close to IBM’s Direction –Eliminate VM as a TPF development platform –Eliminate OS/390 as a TPF development platform –Attain and provide a state of the art development platform for TPF
EDS Confidential3 Why Develop TDP? Market Forces –Move to Standards Based Applications Development IBM expanding use of Posix standards in TPF –Expanding use of Open Source IBM porting Open Source to TPF (Apache, Mail Server) IBM moving TPF support from OS390 to Linux with NBR Client requirements –Elimination of VM development Platform –“TPF development is a integrated environment that leverages industry-standard technologies and supports a full range of TPF construction, testing, and implementation functions”
EDS Confidential4 Why Develop TDP? (Cont.) Problems with existing platforms (VM) –Loss of support –Inadequate support for ported products Lack of synergy –Provide common TPF development platform to facilitate staff leverage –Develop cross platform leverage based on WS and Posix experience. Newer development models offer more productivity.
EDS Confidential5 TDP Schedule Drivers Poor support for source repositories C/C++ Support Support for ported Unix software Open Source Support - NBR
EDS Confidential6 Guiding Principles We will follow EDS’ & IBM’s tool strategies. Must support distributed development. We will not develop any interim tool or technology which will make the implementation of the IBM recommended tool suite more difficult. Development tools will be chosen or built using technologies which leverage the skills of a TPF programmer. Development will be UNIX System Services centric and will be migrated to Linux in the future. Development will lean to thin client designs. Web Browser, VATPF and later WebSphere will be the primary GUI interface to the tool suite. TPF C/C++ development will only be supported through VATPF
EDS Confidential7 Current/Phase 1 – CVS Repository selection and Implementation VM CMS 3270 SCS Key changes: Repository selection Enable CVS Building Blocks CVS Developer Workstation PCom VATPF SMB MVS CVS USS VATPF Server Apache Production Promotion EZ1
EDS Confidential8 What is CVS? Concurrent Version System (CVS) GNU Public License Unix Based repository Does not include a Change Management System Maintains Control Information –Facilitates Source Associations (Packages & Projects) –Change History Provides Unix based Security –Support for Groups –USS Interface to RACF or ACF2 No internal TPF versions support – Internal versioning Data Maintained as Deltas – as revisions which are cross referenced with TPF versions.
EDS Confidential9 Follows IBM Direction Portable to Linux Strong Value Proposition –Low Acquisition and Maintenance cost –Reduced DASD Requirements –Leverage Industry Support Community –No increase cost for TPF Support vs. other Options (Must develop TPF version and Changes Management for all options) Widely Used Flexible Data Structures Why CVS?
EDS Confidential10 VM CMS 3270 Key changes: Source Migrated to CVS. CVS Web Interface Bridge to VM/CMS for remaining tools Phase 2 – Migrate Source to CVS and Cutover Training Requirements: Web Interface functionality CVS Methodology Bridge Interface SCS Production Promotion Bridge Developer Workstation PCom VATPF SMB CVS HTTP MVS CVS USS VATPF Server Apache Production Promotion
EDS Confidential11 Phase 2 CVS Tools Source Synchronization – copies new production source to CVS Versioning tool – Maps CVS release tags to TPF versions CVS Interface tool – Web interface –CVS Scan –Base CVS functions – check out, check in, etc –Source and listing viewer –Infrastructure support
EDS Confidential12 Source and Listing Viewer Prototype The Menu:
EDS Confidential13 Source and Listing Viewer Prototype The TPF Look Up Test Application. - user enters "rsi".
EDS Confidential14 Source and Listing Viewer Prototype User Presses “Upd List” (response takes 1-2 sec)
EDS Confidential15 Source and Listing Viewer Prototype User selects candidate and presses “LookUp”. (response takes 3-5 sec)
EDS Confidential16 VM CMS 3270 Key changes: Product Life Cycle (PLC) Listing Display Reporting Internal Support tools Change Request Process Phase 2a – Continued Tool Enhancement Training Requirements: As Required SCS Production Promotion Bridge MVS CVS USS Tools VATPF Server Apache Developer Workstation PCom VATPF SMB CVS HTTP Tools Production Promotion
EDS Confidential17 VM CMS 3270 Key changes: Makefile Common WS TPF Toolkit Phase 3 SCS Bridge Training Requirements: WS TPF Toolkit Update Makefiles MVS CVS USS ToolsMAKE WS TPF Toolkit Server Apache PCom WS TPF Toolkit CVS HTTP Tools Developer Workstation Production Promotion
EDS Confidential18 VM CMS 3270 Phase 4 TPF Test Only Key changes: Promotion Process (PP) controlled by Makefile Elimination of VM Development Training Requirements: WS TPF Toolkit Update Promotion Process PCom WS TPF Toolkit CVS HTTP ToolsPP Developer Workstation MVS CVS USS ToolsMAKE WS TPF Toolkit Server Apache PP
EDS Confidential19 4Q02 1Q05 3Q05 1Q06 Pathway TPF Repository (CVS) Common WS TPF Toolkit Current Phase 2 Phase 4 CVS Infrastructure Phase 2a Tools Phase 3 Promotion Process Elimination of VM for Development
EDS Confidential20 TDP Future Vision – System Topology TPFTPF Production Test Developer Workstation LAN Server Central Linux HFS CVS User Work Area Tools TPF Support ASM/Compiler Promotion Process Loaders Local Linux HFS CVS User Work Area Tools TPF Support ASM/Compiler Promotion Process Loaders LAN WAN
EDS Confidential21 Disclaimer Websphere® is an IBM registered trademark