Introduction to weight training I use the old Nautilus method of resistance training. It consists of performing between 8 and 12 repetitions of each exercise, 1 set each. I say resistance training because their theory was based on resistance machines vice free weights. I like free weights for balance (the machines can compensate for a weaker side) and the fact that they are more common in most gyms. This is more of a maintenance program than a muscle building program, although, if executed correctly, it will increase your strength and the size of your muscles. If that is your primary goal do 2 or 3 sets of each exercise. I suggest starting with an empty bar the first time, the Olympic barbell weighs 45 pounds and is sufficient for you to become comfortable with the mechanics of each exercise. Plus it will limit the pain you’ll experience for a couple of days after starting a new routine. Once comfortable use a weight that you can do 8 reps of an exercise. Continue to use that weight on each workout until you can successfully do 12 reps. At that point, increase the weight 10-20% and return to 8 reps. Optimally, do this routine three days a week, preferably on the days you ride the bicycle.
equipment & stations incline bench flat bench sitting press pulleys
bench press Bench pressing works the chest. This exercise usually uses your heaviest weight. Lie on the flat bench, align the outside edges of your palms with the marks on the Olympic bar, slightly more than shoulder’s width. Raise the bar off the rack, extending your arms completely. Lower the bar to your chest and raise it to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Life applications: lifting your child in the air while lying down, pushing creeps away from you, pushing a baby carriage
upright rows Upright rows work the neck and shoulders. Put less than half the weight you benched on the bar. Stand upright, legs slightly more than shoulder width apart holding the bar with your arms lowered all the way, hands gripped about 5 inches apart. Lift the bar straight up to your chin, keeping your forearms parallel to the bar. Lower bar back to start. Repeat 8-12 times. Life applications: lifting something off the ground or from your waist higher, picking your child off the ground and cuddling them
incline bench press Incline benching works the upper chest. Use a little less weight than the flat bench. Sit back, place your palms along the same marks as the bench press and perform the exercise as you did the bench press. Repeat 8-12 times. Life applications are similar to the bench press, the main purpose of the incline is to better enhance the upper chest, for females great for supporting and rounding out the breasts
sitting military press Sitting press works the shoulders and back. It can also be done standing. Grasp the bar and hold it in front of you at shoulder level, elbows at your side. Raise the bar until the arms are fully extended. Lower the bar to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times. Life application: tossing your child into the air and catching them again, putting things on a high shelf, installing a ceiling fan
decline bench press Decline bench pressing works the lower chest. Lie on the decline bench, loop your legs and feet over and under the support pads. Be careful when you lie down, if you go straight back you will bang your head on the bar. Lean to one side as you lower yourself down, then re-center on the pad. Perform the exercise the same as the other bench presses, as usual repeat 8-12 times. For males this exercise accentuates the lower pecs, rounding out the chest.
sitting (bent-over) rows Rows work the back muscles. This exercise can also be done with the Olympic bar, standing upright but bent forward at the waist and is then called bent over rows. If the cable machine is available, use it, it is easier on the lower back. Sit UPRIGHT, legs and arms extended, without moving your torso, pull the handle bar to your chest, release it back to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times. Life application: picking up the wash basket or grocery bags off the floor, pulling a loved one close in an embrace
lat pull downs Lat pull downs work the back (lat) and shoulder muscles. Use the wide grip, sit down with arms extended above your head. Pull the bar down in front of and just below your chin. Allow bar to rise to start position. Repeat 8-12 times. Life application: pulling yourself over a fence or wall running from five oh
bicep pull downs Bicep pull downs work the biceps (duh) and shoulders. Perform as you did the lat pull downs using the same weight. Repeat 8-12 times Life application: picking something up from the ground and bringing it up to your waist, performing 12 ounce curls watching the game
triceps extensions Tricep extensions work the back of the upper arms. Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, grasp the bar with the palms about 6 inches apart. Keeping your torso and upper arms motionless, push the bar forward down to your waist. Allow the bar to return to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times. Life application: dunking your younger brother or sister in the pool
ez curl bar curls Curls work the biceps and the lower forearm. The advantage of the ez curl bar is less stress on the wrists then a straight bar has. Grasp the bar, wrists upward with arms fully extended towards the ground. Without moving your torso raise the bar up to your shoulders and lower again. Repeat 8-12 times. With no shoulder involvement you will not be able to use as much weight as the curl pull downs but this exercise has the same life application.
ez curl bar reverse curls The reverse curl is different from the regular curl only in that it works the upper forearm vice the lower forearm in addition to the biceps. You must also flip the bar over to gain the proper grip. Repeat 8-12 times.
dumbbell hammer curls with overhead press Works the arms and shoulders. Stand with dumbbells at your side, palms to your legs. Keeping your palm inward raise the weight to your shoulder, then rotate your palm forward as you raise the weight above your head, arm fully extended. Lower weight to shoulder and then to legs. Repeat with left arm, 8-12 times each arm.