What is an Orchestra? Open Court: Unit 4_Lesson 2
Word Knowledge Line 1: compose composition composer Line 2: blends violin clarinet cymbals Line 3: romantic music brighter pieces Line 4: magnificent variety twentieth auditoriums symphonies S1: The composer finished his composition in August. S2: Violins, clarinets, cymbals and a number of other instruments in an orchestra blend together to produce one sound. S3: The orchestra played Handel’s Messiah. S4: A variety of symphonies were written during the Baroque period.
Vocabulary classical (clas-si-cal): of or relating to a form or a system of primary significance before modern times. My mother used to play classical music on the piano. interpretation (in-ter-pre-ta-tion): to bring out the meaning of something in a performance. (pg. 355) The artist’s interpretation of that dance was fascinating to watch. encased (en-cased): to enclose in or as if in a case. The jewels were encased in a locked box. shrill: high-pitched; piercing (pg. 368) The whistle made a shrill noise. Improvise (im-pro-vise) : to compose, recite, play, or sing on the spur of the moment. (pg. 379) The actor forgot some of his lines and had to improvise to finish the play.
Spelling: What is an Orchestra? 1.activities 2.necessities 3.happiness 4.mysteries 5.clumsiness 6.guiltiness 7.arteries 8.pharmacies 9.replied 10.penniless 11.haughtiness 12.mythologies 13.memories 14.galaxies 15.uneasiness 16.magnificent 17.variety 18.twentieth 19.auditoriums 20.symphonies