Exploring Area for Sixth Grade Click the triangle to watch a short introduction
What is area? Area is the amount of space a two- dimensional shape takes up. We can find area by counting the number of square units in the shape
Rectangles Formula for Area of a Rectangle: Area = length x width or A = l x w Note: using base x height (bxh) is the same as using length x width. I think it’s even easier to think of it this way! The area of the rectangle on the left is 24 sq mm
Rectangles and Parallelograms A parallelogram can be cut and reconstructed to form a rectangle. This is why rectangles and parallelograms have the same formula! Study the diagram below to see the relationship! Formula for Area of a Parallelogram: Area = base x height or A = b x h
Triangles A triangle is related to parallelograms, just like parallelograms are related to rectangles. Study the diagram below to see the relationship. As you can see, a parallelogram can be cut in half to make a triangle. If we can find the area of a parallelogram (b x h), all we have to do is cut it in half to find the area of the triangle! Area of a triangle = b x h ÷ 2
What do we mean by height? Height is how tall the figure is from very top to the bottom Click the “height” that you think shows the correct height
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Let’s Review! Area of a Rectangle/Square =b x h orl x w Area of a Parallelogram = b x h Area of a Triangle = b x h ÷ 2
Show What You Know! Click on the picture below to play “Bucky’s Blueprint” with the gazebo. When you successfully complete the gazebo, click anywhere here to continue!
Standards Addressed Ohio Academic Content Standards: Students use established formulas for circles, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and rectanglular prisms to find area. (M.6.3) ITSE/NETS Standards Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.” (3.b.)
References/Credits United Streaming Video Bucky’s Blueprints from I Know That! Ohio Academic Content Standards ITSE/NETS Standards