Cognitive Definition of Learning A semi-permanent change in mental processes How is this different from the behaviorist view? What are the potential advantages of defining learning as a change in mental associations ?
Discussion Questions Do you agree with the behaviorist view that learning can be described simply in terms of stimulus-response relationships? That learning only occurs if there is an outward manifestation? Why or why not? What are the potential advantages of defining learning as a change in behavior?
Cognitivism Basics Learning is due to experience. Meaning is constructed by the learner, rather than being derived directly from the environment. Prior knowledge and beliefs play a major role in the meanings that people construct.
The Human Information Processing Model
A Model of Memory
Characteristics Sensory Register Working Memory Long-Term Memory Semantic Procedural Episodic
Working Memory What are some of the classroom implications of the limitations of working memory? Let’s test yours:
Working Memory What did you learn? How might you help your students?
Long-term Memory Encoding Rehearsal Meaningful Learning Organization Elaboration Visual Imagery Mnemonics (if necessary)
Other things we can do… Primacy & Recency Effect Practice Massed Distributed Enactment
Automaticity What does it mean to learn something to automaticity? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Metacognition Learners’ knowledge and beliefs regarding their own cognitive processes Their attempts to regulate those cognitive processes to maximize learning and memory How can we help them develop a realistic view?
In the Classroom · Make sure you have the students' attention; · Help students focus on the most important details and separate less vital information; · Help students make connections between new information and what they already know; · Provide for repetition and review of information; · Present material (instruction) in a clear, organized, way; · Focus on meaning, not memorization, of information.