Most popular work From The Four Seasons Violin, string orchestra, and basso continuo Descriptive effects Based on four sonnets Lines from sonnets placed within original score Spring – popular in Vivaldi’s time Favorite of King Louis XV of France 3 movements Fast, slow, fast 1 st and last movements – ritornello form
1 st movement : Allegro E Major Terraced dynamics Tone painting Trill – ornament consisting of rapid alternation of two tones that are a whole or half step apart Ritornello reappears in minor after storm
2 nd movement: Largo e pianissimo sempre (very slow and very soft throughout) Peaceful C # minor Solo violin and orchestra violins and violas Violin- slumber Violas- barking dog Performers were expected to add embellishments
3 rd movement: Danza pastorale (pastoral dance) E Major Ritornello theme with dotted rhythms Sustained tones- represents bag pipes
Masterpieces in every form except opera Bach assisted in recognizing the importance of instrumental music during the time Vocal music was still most of his output Written for the Lutheran Church Based on familiar hymns Development of Personal Style Italian concertos French dance pieces Church music from Germany
Combined polyphonic texture and rich harmony Mastery of harmony and counterpoint Unity of mood Insistent rhythmic drive Little difference in sacred and secular music Rearranged works to fit the different texts Liked to create musical symbolism From art
Collection of preludes and fugues Two volumes 24 pairs Explored the tuning of instruments Allowing composers to write in all 23 keys Clavier- keyboard instruments (generalized)
Prelude C Minor Perpetual motion Continuous running notes Repeated patterns of eight rapid notes in both hands Fugue C minor Lighter Mood Shorter 3 voices Compact subject 5 note fragment Accompanied by a counter subject Stated 8 times 7 major and 1 minor Ends in with a bright C Major Harmony
Second Movement: Affettuoso (affectionately, tenderly) Slow, quiet Minor key 3 solo instruments and a cello Theme uses dotted rhythm Alternates in minor and major
Third Movement: Allegro Dancelike ABA form A section Major B section Minor Fugue like Solo violin with an imitation from the flute and harpsichord
Lutheran composes a monumental Roman Catholic Mass 1733 wrote the Kyrie and Gloria and sent to the Catholic monarch Desired and honorary court composer title Finished later by fitting text to his earlier Lutheran works Too long for an actual mass Orchestral accompaniment for voices Each section separated into arias, duets, and choruses