Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetSet up a Project Start Galileo ProjectNew possibly create a new subdirectory ( New Folder) e.g. TRAINING change into this folder Enter a Filename Create Select MV4-Type and memory size OK Project Save Select PLC-Type PLC Select PLC Model Select a PLC-Type (e.g. PS4-341-MM1 Suconet K ) OK Project Settings Project Settings... System colours, Mask numbers, Error colours, Touch, Keyboard,... Close Add Mask Mask New Enter Filename e.g.: mask1 Create Include this mask in your project ! Mask Settings Mask Mask Settings... Screen Saver / Touch, Colour, Type, Resolution OK Page 1/ / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet View Settings Show Grid Snap to Grid Draw Mask-Texts Symbol click Create a rectangle with the mouse in your mask and make a double-click in this object Define Font-Style, -Size, -Alignment Fore- and Backgroundcolour Press the button „Define“ Enter e.g. „Startmask“ Press the Button „Add“ „Close“ OK Note : Define a mask as „Start-Mask“ in Project Settings... Mask-Numbers ! Compile Project Symbol click Save Project Yes Yes to All Close Download to the PCMCIA-Card Symbol click Possibly change the path for the PCMCIA-Drive Download OK Close Load Project into MV4 MV4 - Power OFF Plug the card into the PCMCIA-Drive of the MV4 MV4 - Power ON The project is now loaded into the MV4 memory / Info_1.PPT Setup a Project Page 2/2
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetSerial Download (from V 3.0 or higher) Serial Download via cable ZB4-244-PK1: (the PCMCIA card is in the MV4) Set the MV4 into Download-Mode manually Power OFF Touch the screen and hold on Power ON wait until the MV4 displays the message „Serial Data-Transfer PC Panel“! Connect MI4 “Systemport“ and (e.g.) COM1 via ZB4-244-PK1 Start Galileo Open Project Compile Project Press Button Download (serial)... [possibly compile again] / Info_1.PPT Click once
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetDefine Tags Each object in a mask that processes data, whether it be as a display or an entry field, uses tags or entire data blocks (which can contain tags). A tag can be placed inside a data block. This kind of tag thus represents the value or the bit in the PLC. If a tag is not placed in a data block, it is used as an internal tag (placeholder) and is not processed by the PLC. There are three main types of tags - BIT tags, VALUE tags and ERROR tags. The VALUE tags are furthermore divided into three sizes - BYTE, WORD and DWORD (double word) Value-Tags Value tags can be assigned the following parameters: ·Minimum, Maximum, Default value: the lower and upper limit of a value are used for the colour change in the event that the actual value is out of the defined range. These values must be defined in the same way as they are defined in the PLC (without conversions) ·Number format decimal, signed decimal, hex, binary or octal ·Type of limit values ""Open": The limit values cannot be adjusted and are preset to the maximum values (e.g. for WORD ) "Constant":The limit values can be defined as required. "Dynamic":The limit values are again tags of the same type that must have open or constant limit values ("Open" or "Constant"). ·Unit Up to two units of measurement can be defined with separate conversion factors. ·A conversion factor is the factor used to directly convert the value from the PLC (PLC value) to the value to be displayed on the HMI (HMI value). Bit-Tags A bit tag is used to indicate or set a binary state. This -for example- can be a switch, a button or a light signal. Only the default value (0 or 1) needs to be defined for a bit tag. This setting, however, is only meaningful if the HMI is not connected to a PLC. Page 1/ / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet Error Tags An Error tag is used to display an error text in an Error window. Either an error text or a help text can be assigned an "error tag". The maximum length of those texts depends on the font size selected. The display length of the error texts cannot exceed one line, whilst help texts should not exceed the size of the relevant help window. The number of characters that can be displayed depends on the font size selected. Error Texts inside an Error Window All error texts that are defined for the Error window will be displayed in it. Use the cursor buttons to scroll up and down the list. Press the Help button ("Function key") to call up a Help text window for the currently displayed error / Info_1.PPT Define Tags Page 2/2
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetAssign Tags Communication between the HMI and the PLC is carried out in data blocks. There are always entire data blocks transferred and never individual bytes or bits. This ensures that communication is considerably more efficient and thus makes the modified data in the PLC available more quickly. Another advantage is when the project is adapted for a different PLC, since only the reference addresses of the configured data blocks need to be adapted and not the addresses for each tag. The size of a data blocks can be selected in steps of 4 bytes up to 64 bytes. This can vary according to the PLC used. A data block must only contain tags of the same type. Page 1/ / Info_1.PPT A tag can be inserted to the block at every position. It is also possible to have gaps between the single tags of a block. For assigning a tag to the block, select the tag in the right window and press the button "<<" or make a double-click on the tag. After that the tag will be moving from the right window to the left window. A tag can be removed from the block by selecting it and by pressing the button ">>“.
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet If the tab „Address“ is selected, a start address for the block can be defined. Enter the start address for the block only at this position ! / Info_1.PPT Assign Tags Page 1/2
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetButton and Flag Display The following example shows the parametrization of a „Button“ and a „Flag Display“ : The element shown beside is an „overlayed element“ consisting of a button (Set Bit) and a flag display. [The „Button“ sends an information (when pressed) to the PLC. This bit is processed by the PLC and sent back to the MV4. Depending on the state of this bit, the Flag Display is ON or OFF.] Button: The button is assigned to %M (switch3), Transparent, No Frame. Flag Display: The Flag Display is assigned to %M (lamp3) and consists of two Bitmaps / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetWahlschalter definieren The following example shows the parametrization of a switch : This object enables single or several bits in value tags (bytes, word or Dword in the PLC) to be set or cleared at the same time. Pressing the button enables a tag to be set to a particular value or a bit to be moved to the left or to the right. Set Bit Mask Touching the button on the MMI will cause the tag to be set to any value required. If the User Bit Mask check box is activated, the value can be entered in binary format in the fields ON underneath it. If the User Bit Mask check box is not activated the Steps/Bit setting can be used to define which bit in the tag is to be set to 1. In this configuration, only one bit can be set within the tag (all others will be set to "0"). If several switches are assigned the same tag, it is possible to configure them to toggle between the on and off state. Set Two Bit Masks If the button on the HMI is in the ON state, the tag is set according to the ON fields. If the button is in the OFF state, the tag is set according to the OFF fields. If User Bit Mask is activated, the values can be entered in the ON and OFF fields beneath it in binary format. If User Bit Mask is not activated, the "Bit" setting determines which bit in the tag is to be set to "1".In this configuration only one bit in the tag can be set, and all other bits are "0". When used in conjunction with the Set two Bit Masks ON/OFF function, this field specifies the bit position at which the button is shown in the On state according to the Preview / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetValue Entry The following Example shows a Value Entry with a numeric keyboard. This object is used to enter a tag of type BYTE, WORD or DWORD as a numeric value on the HMI. The data direction must be MMI->PLC or MMI-PLC. The entries can change colour if the value is outside of a defined range. The font, font size and alignment can be set on the Disable Style with 'not accessible'' page. The entry range is limited by the Maximum and Minimum values. Page 1/ / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet First the tag has to be defined : If you select the tab „Limits“, you can enter different Limits for this tag. The limits will generate a „Colour-Changing“ to the tag value / Info_1.PPT Value Entry Page 2/3
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet If no Limits are neede, leave the tab select the option " Open ". The limits will be set automatically to the maximum value of the tag. Sizeunsignedsigned BYTE WORT By selecting the option “ Constant " for each single step a separat value can be entered. Look after the following rules : ·Minimum has to be less than Maximum ·Lower Limit has to be less than Upper Limit ·Lower Limit has to be greater than Minimum ·Upper Limit has to be less than Maximum ·Default has to be greater than Minimum and less than Maximum If you would like to change Limits during runtime, you will have to select the option “Dynamic“. Now you can enter a tag for each single limit, which represents a value for this limit. Selecting the tab „Units“ allows you to enter an engineering unit for this tag or enter a scaling formula. At last the tag has to be assigned to a marker address in a block / Info_1.PPT Value Entry Page 3/3
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetValue Display This object enables a tag of type BYTE, WORD or DWORD to be displayed as a numeric value. The data direction must be HMI -PLC. The display can change colour if the actual value is outside of a defined range. The font, font size and justification can be set on the Disable Style with „not accessible'' page. Tag Select a tag from the listbox for this Value Display-Object Address Shows the address of the selected tag. If a tag has no address you will see three question-marks (???) / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetDefine Bargraph This object enables a value tag (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) to be shown as a bargraph. The bargraph has three colour ranges (>= Upper Limit, In Range, <= Lower Limit). Whether the object is a touch zone or not is defined with the Keyboard setting. If no keyboard is selected, the object is automatically a display. The size of the bars is converted to percentages : - Full bar= 100 percent= Maximum - Empty bar= 0 percent = Minimum Tag Select a tag from the listbox for this Value Display-Object Address Shows the address of the selected tag. If a tag has no address you will see three question-marks (???) / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetGraph Definitions The graph object is used for displaying values graphically. All BIT and VALUE tags can be displayed graphically within the graph object. How to assign tags is described in Graph Definitions. The window height always represents 100% of the maximum tag value. The limit values of tags with dynamic limits are the values of the dynamic limit tags for Minimum and Maximum. See also Limits, Dynamic Limits and Units of Measurement and Conversion Factors The tag values of graph blocks are cleared when the MMI is switched off. Selecting the „Clear after Restart“ option causes the values to be cleared when the plotting of the graph block is started (see Start/Stop Graph 0..99). If plotting was started when the MMI was switched off, plotting will be automatically restarted the next time the MMI is switched on. The maximum window width and maximum number of measuring points (no. of measurings) is limited by the object width, i.e. with an X resolution of 640, a maximum number of 640 measuring points is possible. A maximum of 100 graph objects is possible per project. Up to 32 different tag values can be shown per graph object, i.e. the maximum permissible number of curves is 32. The figure below shows a typical Galileo graph object: Page1/ / Info_1.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Infosheet Do the following steps to edit the Graph Object : 2. Select the tab “Graph Definitions“ 3. Press the button „Define“. In the appearing window now select the Tags, that should be shown in the Graph Object / Info_1.PPT Graph Definitions Page2/2 1. Make a double-click to the Graph Object
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel InfosheetGateway Function Project New (Enter File / Projectname) Create PLC Select PLC... S e l e c t By selecting the tab „Address“, the com- muncation markers can be defined. PLC Assign Tags / Info_1.PPT