Cost Effective Interventions for Enhancing Water Productivity in Stressed Areas Outside Indus Basin of Pakistan (A Mini Pilot Project In Southern Punjab)
Objectives Management of water resources at farm level through use of promising technologies to enhance, conveyance and application efficiencies. Introduction of profitable and sustainable cropping pattern having highest water productivity and profitability Create awareness and capacity building of groundwater users for its safe and efficient utilization Provision of services related to laser land leveling and bed-furrow farming to enhance water productivity through rural entrepreneurs/agricultural service providers(ASPs)
Salient Features of Project Area Village: Nusratwala(NawanKot), Distt. Layyah. Location: Latitude: 31⁰ 1’ 2.65’’ N Longitude: 71⁰ 30’ 51.83’’ E No. of Farmers:57 Soil Type:90% sandy and 10% sandy loam Topography:Undulated with sand dunes Annual Rainfall:40-50mm Climate:Hot and Dry(Highly Stressed) Contd….
Salient Features of Project Area Temperature:18 ⁰C - 49 ⁰C Source of Irrigation:Rain fed (79%) Groundwater(21%) Groundwater Quality:Marginally fit Number of Tube wells:89 No. of Water users: 57 Diesel/Tractor driven:90%/10% Diesel Engine HP:12-25 HP Depth of Bore: ft Contd…
Deliverables and Implementation Status DeliverableStatus Inception ReportCompleted Social, Environmental and Agriculture BaselineCompleted Formation of Tube well Farmers Organization (TFO)Completed Selection of ASP by TFOCompleted Skill attainment training to ASP for Laser Leveller and Bed Planter Completed Provision of Laser Land Leveller & Bed Furrow Planter to ASPIn Progress Provision of Laser Levelling/Bed Planting rental services in the project area on agreed rates Introduction of best practices and profitable cropping patterns for productivity enhancement Contd….
DeliverableStatus Establishment of farmer support units through village seed banks, supply of non-water inputs at right time and prices. Linkage with local markets and potential storage of surplus to market at right time Farmers Field Days Draft Final Report Modification and Submission of Final Report Contd…
Major Findings of Baseline Survey Cropping Intensity:105% Cropping Pattern: Kharif:13% Guar,Millet,Sorghum,Fodder Rabi:87% Wheat, Gram,Fodder Crop YieldTons/Ha Wheat :2.5 Gram:0.67 Guar:0.60 Millet:1.64
Lack of awareness about promising technologies Scope for profitable and sustainable cropping pattern ensuring efficient utilization of land and water resources Potential for Bridging the wide yield gap of major crops Land and water productivity enhancement by Provision of timely services and supplies through farmer support units and involvement of ASPs. Conclusions
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