Two Greek words Ek –out of + Kaleo -to call =ekklesia Christians called the “ekklesia” Church in two senses: Universal church Local church Other descriptions of church in NT: “body of Christ” –Eph.1:22-23 “household of God -1 Tim.3:15 “bride of Christ” –Eph.5:22-33
Isaiah 2:2-3 “latter or last days” =final dispensation of time Lord’s house shall be established in Jerusalem Daniel 2:31-45 Image represents 4 nations During Roman rule Lord’s house established “shall never be destroyed” =spiritual kindgom Joel 2:28-32 “…pour out My Spirit on all flesh…in Jerusalem” “whoever calls on name of Lord shall be saved”
Matthew 3:1-2; 4:17 Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Matthew 16:18 “I will build My church” Mark 9:1 “some standing here..see kgdom of God…” Luke 24:46-49 Go to Jerusalem & wait for power from on high Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-8, 12-21, Remember promise of Spirit Spirit poured out in fulfillment of Joel
Isaiah said Lord’s House will be estab in Jerusalem during the last days Daniel said the Lord’s Kgdom will be estab during the days of Roman rule & never be destroyed Joel said the Lord will pour out Spirit in Jerus. & whoever calls on His name will be saved John & Jesus said the Kgdom was at hand Jesus told disciples He would build His church during their lifetime On Pentecost after His resurrection Spirit was poured out on Apostles who preached gospel 3000 obeyed gospel and were added to CHURCH After Pentecost all references to church in present tense