Structure of the presentation The origins of CDM What is the CDM? Players of CDM
The origins of CDM Kyoto Protocol Art. 6, 12 and 17 3 Mechanisms CDM JI ET project basedSystem with GHG emission caps Convention (Art. 3.3, 4.2 (cooperate, jointly))
What is innovative about the CDM? Provides market-oriented means to promote SD and reduce GHG emissions Promotes private sector investment in SD (as distinct from ODA) Involves private/public sector companies in its decision making (part of “infrastructure”)- DOEs Provides for “bottom-up approach”regarding project development Involves public scrutiny
CDM – The basic concept Industrialized countries (AI) To assist in meeting their Kyoto Protocol targets Project proponents (private business, governments, NGOs) Investors (private business, governments, NGOs ) Host Parties (NAI) To assist in achieving sustainable development CER
What makes a project activity a CDM project activity? GHG t “What would have happened” situation (scenario) CDM project activity - > Methodologies for baseline and monitoring CERs
Players of the CDM COP/MOP (COP until KP enters into force) CDM Executive Board Designated operational entities (DOE) Project participants investor project proponents Designated national authorities (DNA) “ Infrastructure ”
CDM project Cycle Roles and responsibilities Provide info 1 Confirm that requirements are met Implement Certify ERs COP/MOP CDM “infrastructure” Companies (private/public) Written letter of approval from DNA involved are required prior to request for registration.
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