Roots of Judaism Discussion
Who was Abraham? Lived near Ur in Mesopotamia BC migrated to Canaan. Founder of Israelite nation
Who was Moses? Led Israelites out of Egypt and after his death eventually went to Canaan, land they thought God promised them
David united the feuding Israelite tribes but what about his son Solomon? Made Jerusalem into an impressive capital, wisdom and understanding. Building projects had high taxes and forced labor and revolts after his death in 922 BC
When did Israelites become known as Jews? After Nebuchadnezzar destroyed great temple and forced them to exile in Babylon. Babylonian Captivity
Monotheistic Belief in one God Covenant Binding agreement Torah
Why was it ok for fathers to arrange marriages for their daughters in Judaism? Patriarchal society, fathers and husbands held great legal and moral authority
What was the Jewish viewpoint when concerned with other peoples? All equal before God
How did Jews view their leaders? Fully human and bound to obey God’s law