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The Hebrews – Location The Middle East/Southwest Asia Mediterranean Sea Jordan River Jerusalem The Hebrews settled in the Fertile Crescent, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Major Monotheistic Religion’s Characteristics The three major monotheistic religions that originated in the Middle East are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All are based on monotheism – the belief in one god. Each religion has a sacred text, or book, which is at the core of its faith. Each book is a collection of writings compiled over time. None of these books were written by the central figure of the faith.
Origins of Judaism The Hebrews were the first to practice Monotheism. Judaism is the oldest of the three monotheistic religions. It began as a set of beliefs and laws practiced by ancient Hebrew people in the Middle East.
Foundation of Judaism The Bible names Abraham as the father of the Jews and founder of Judaism. There is no other evidence of his life. Scholars place Abraham living sometime between 2000 and 1500 B.C. (B.C.E). The Bible states that Abraham was born in Ur, Sumer, in present-day Iraq. Establishes covenant an agreement with God (Yahweh) and the Hebrew people, now known as God’s chosen people. He later led the Hebrew people out of Ur to Canaan, in present- day Israel.
Foundations of Judaism (cont’d) Jews believe Canaan is the Promised Land, which God promised to Abraham and his descendants, the Chosen People. It is said that Abraham’s grandson Jacob had 12 sons, who became the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel Jacob was later called Israel, and his descendants are called Israelites. King David later unites the tribes.
Foundations of Judaism (cont’d) Jews believe that one day a human leader will come as a messenger of God called a messiah and bring about a golden age.
The Egyptian Captivity One of the tribes migrated to Egypt where they were put into captivity and used as slaves by the Pharaoh. Moses (a prophet – someone who talks with God) led the Jews from Egypt and wandered in the desert for 40 years. Moses was given the Ten Commandments during the wandering
The Babylonian Captivity According to the Bible, the First Temple for Jewish worship was built around 900—1000 B.C. (B.C.E.) and destroyed by Babylonians in 586 B.C. (B.C.E.). The Jews were then sent out of Canaan, but returned after 50 years in exile.
Diaspora A Diaspora occurs when a group of people leave their homeland and move to many different locations separately. After the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (C.E.), the Jews either fled to or were sold into slavery throughout parts of the Roman Empire (Modern Day Europe ). All of the world’s Jewish communities today that do not live in present-day Israel are part of the Jewish Diaspora.
Sacred Text Judaism sacred book is the Hebrew Bible called the Torah. It contains the moral and religious laws of the Jewish people, including the Ten Commandments.
The Phoenicians – Location: Mediterranean Sea Carthage Ran along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as along the coast of North Africa. Established the port city of Carthage. The Phoenicians became a great trading empire. Europe Africa
Culture The Phoenicians were a seafaring people, meaning they regularly traveled by sea. As a result, one of their main economic activities was building ships. Known as Carriers of Civilization because their large trading empire helped cultural diffusion. As result, this helped further the development of cuneiform into the first alphabet.