Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) -2015 Dr. Hediye Tüydeş Yaman Assoc.Prof. Middle East Technical University.


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Presentation transcript:

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Dr. Hediye Tüydeş Yaman Assoc.Prof. Middle East Technical University Urban Traffic Safety in Turkey: Safe Speed Limits and Enforcement Turkish Road Association – Road and Traffic Safety Work Group Ezgi Kundakcı Yıldız Terzioğlu Mustafa Işık Kenan Kayacı

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) OUTLINE 1.Urban Road/Traffic Safety and Speed 2.Speed Management in Urban Regions -Speed and Road Design -Speed and Mobility -Speed and City Planning 3.Electronic Speed Enforcement 4.Legislative Support 5.Conclusions 2

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Road/Traffic Safety Transportation is a derived demand – we travel to gain added value Safety is an essential part of ideal transportation – we do not want do lose (...) as a cost of transportation Safety is a must for sustainable transportation In road transportation, key elements  vehicle +human + road +... Traffic accidents (a more correct term  crashes) happen as a result of a malfunction between the key elements 3

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Road/Traffic Safety- WHO Road Safety Report World Health Organization  2009 Global status report  Public Health Issue!  Recommendations: 4

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Road/Traffic Safety -- Speed Road/Traffic safety and speed  vehicle + driver + road + climate +... Speeding  traveling too fast for conditions or in excess of the posted speed limits Conditions  geometry (superelevation, sight distance, etc.), climate, driver (perception& reaction, age, experience, etc.) FHWA  “ Speeding is a complex issue involving engineering (E), driving behavior, education (E), and enforcement (E)”  we need an interdiciplinary team and approach to improve traffic and road/traffic safety ! 5

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks 6

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks Need to balance mobility and access (which requires functional design) 7

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks Need to balance mobility and access (which requires functional design) Complex relationship between land use and transportation 8

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks Need to balance mobility and access (which requires functional design) Complex relationship between land use and transportation Various road users (motorized and non-motorized traffic) Difficulty to develop and force geometric standards Difficulty to enforce on all the urban road segments 9

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks Need to balance mobility and access (which requires functional design) Complex relationship between land use and transportation Various road users (motorized and non-motorized traffic) Difficulty to develop and force geometric standards 10

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Road/Traffic Safety  more challenging due to Complexity of the urban road networks Need to balance mobility and access (which requires functional design) Complex relationship between land use and transportation Various road users (motorized and non-motorized traffic) Difficulty to develop and force geometric standards Difficulty to enforce on all the urban road segments 11

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions Urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! More challenging in developing countries with continuing migration to the cities Turkish population  Rural Urban In 1920s ~ %80 %20 In 2008 ~ %20 %80 12

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions Urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! In 1920s ~ %80 %20 In 2008 ~ %20 %80 13

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! In 1920s ~ %80 % In 2008 ~ %20 % Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! In 1920s ~ %80 %20 In 2008 ~ %20 % Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! In 1920s ~ %80 %20 In 2008 ~ %20 % Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban traffic safety  urban speed management  designing and planning safely ! More challenging in developing countries with continuing migration to the cities Turkish population Rural Urban In 1920s ~ %80 %20 Motorized Vehicles In 2008 ~ %20 % (June) Urban Speed Management in Developing Regions

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  city development despite master plans  construction without proper planning!  no serious Traffic Impact Analysis Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  construction without proper planning! Reason 3: Designing for mobility  not safety downtowns are divided by expressways! Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  construction without proper planning! Reason 3: Designing for mobility  not safety not for pedestrians at all! 3. Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  construction without proper planning! Reason 3: Designing for mobility  not safety not for pedestrians at all! Reason 4: Local governments lack of ability and motivation to evaluate traffic safety  no road safety audits  no road safety inspections 3. Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  construction without proper planning! Reason 3: Designing for mobility  not safety not for pedestrians at all! Reason 4: Local governments lack of ability and motivation to evaluate traffic safety  no road safety audits  no road safety inspections  no hotspot detection 3. Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Did we plan and develop the cities safely ?  Not really ! Reason 1: Lack of a well developed public transportation system  private car dependency Reason 2: Planning takes time  construction without proper planning! Reason 3: Designing for mobility  not safety not for pedestrians at all! Reason 4: Local governments lack of ability and motivation to evaluate traffic safety  no road safety audits  no road safety inspections  no hotspot detection  no legaslation requiring it! 3. Urban Speed Management in Developing Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Legislation in Turkey Current Legislation on Speed and Safety: 1.Highway Traffic Law (No: 2918) (Karayolları Trafik Kanunu) Urban Intercity Motorway No urban road classification / functional design

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Legislation in Turkey Current Legislation on Speed and Safety: 1.Highway Traffic Law (No: 2918) - (Karayolları Trafik Kanunu) 2. Urban Law (No:3194) (İmar Kanunu) 27 Defines minimum road width as 10 m Requires preparation of technical infrastructure impact evaluation References to concepts of ‘Boulevard’, ‘Avenue’ and ‘Street’ but no formal definition for any of them !

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Legislation in Turkey Current Legislation on Speed and Safety: 1.Highway Traffic Law (No: 2918) - (Karayolları Trafik Kanunu) 2. Urban Law (No:3194) - (İmar Kanunu) 3. Metropolitan Law (No:5216) Regulation on Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) (Büyükşehir Yasası- UKOME Yönetmeliği ) Speed limit can be increase/decreased to 50 ±32 km/hr based on UKOME decisions provided that necessary precautions are taken Defines members (11/16 seats for municipality members) Works on simple majority principle  voting for speed limit decisions

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Legislation in Turkey Current Legislation on Speed and Safety: 1.Highway Traffic Law (No: 2918) - (Karayolları Trafik Kanunu) 2. Urban Law (No:3194) - (İmar Kanunu) 3. Metropolitan Law (No:5216) Regulation on Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) (Büyükşehir Yasası- UKOME Yönetmeliği ) Additional article giving 30% income of Electronic Enforcement Fines to Local Goverments funding the systems

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Urban Speed Management in Legislation in Turkey Current Legislation on Speed and Safety: 1.Highway Traffic Law (No: 2918) - (Karayolları Trafik Kanunu) 2. Urban Law (No:3194) - (İmar Kanunu) 3. Metropolitan Law (No:5216) Regulation on Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) (Büyükşehir Yasası- UKOME Yönetmeliği ) 4. Energy Efficiency Law (No:5627) – Enerji Verimliliği Kanunu Suggests urban transportation master plans for cities population >100,000 revised every 10 year ! No guidelines for master plans in the legislation except for document prepared by the Union of Municipalities of Turkey

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Conclusion and Suggested Road Map To manage urban speed and traffic safely, i)We need classified road definitions for urban regions based on their functions in the Traffic Law  urban expressway, major arterial, minor arterial, collector, local ii)Speed zone concept is needed at the minimum for ‘pedestrian zone’ and ‘pedestrian priority zone’ in the planning legislation iii) Define proper speed limits for urban road corridors

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Conclusion and Suggested Road Map To manage urban speeds safely, i)We need classified road definitions for urban regions based on their functions in the Traffic Law  urban expressway, major arterial, minor arterial, collector, local ii)Speed zone concept is needed at the minimum for ‘pedestrian zone’ and ‘pedestrian priority zone’ in the planning legislation iii) Define proper speed limits for urban road corridors iv) Annual and independent evaluation of road and traffic safety for urban regions – road safety inspection!!! v) Before and after (upto 3 years) evaluation of corridors that had speed limit increased by UKOMEs

Better Roads. Better World. Green, Accessible, Intelligent Transport (GAIT) Conclusion and Suggested Road Map Thank you for your attention ! Thanks to many Internet users for sharing visuals making it easy to deliver the message ! For further questions, please contact me at