Strengthening Constituencies for Effective Competition Regimes in Select Countries of West Africa (7Up4 Project) Operational Strategy Rijit Sengupta CUTS International 20 June 2008
Project Activities Groundwork: Preparation, Partnerships, Launch Meeting, Research: Analysis of the state of competition in project countries (legal, policy and practice) Specific Research Areas: political economy constraints, natural monopolies, agriculture markets, national Vs regional competition legislation, competition perception analysis Research Outputs: PCP, CRR, Perception assessment Advocacy and Dialogues: NRG meetings (periodical, output oriented) Trainings: National and Regional Outreach: Information dissemination within countries, region, international level (articles, e-newsletter, postings, representations, networking)
Sequence of Activities Phase(s)Main ActivitiesPeriod (Months) Preparatory Phase Preparation of Operational Strategy Note (OSN) Identifying the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Preparation of draft Preliminary Country Papers (PCPs) Launch Meeting June to August, 2008 Research Phase Finalisation of Preliminary Country Papers (PCPs) Preparation of the draft Country Research Report (CRRs) NRG Meetings I (one in each country) September 2008 to May 2009 Research Phase (contd.) Analysis of political economy constraints in implementing competition regimes Assessment of natural monopolies and their implication on competition vis-à-vis economic development and consumer welfare Field work including perception surveys Competition issues in 2-3 agriculture products market and impact on welfare, poverty and/or growth Finalisation of Country Research Reports (CRRs) Interim Review Meeting June to November 2009 National Dialogues NRG Meetings II (one in each country) NRG Meetings III (one in each country) August 2009 to March 2010 Training Workshops Regional Training workshop (Anglophone region) Regional Training workshop (Francophone region) National Training Workshops (one in each country) November 2009 to March 2010 Information dissemination Quarterly E-newsletter Dissemination of reports and other project outputs Throughout the project
Role of Partners RESEARCH Country-level Research - Preparation of the PCP, CRR CRR: Detailed assessment of the state of competition in the country, covering: - Social and Economic policies affecting competition - Political Economy Constraints - Nature of Market Competition - Sectoral Policies (and institutions) and Competition - Competition in select agro-products market - Natural Monopolies and Competition - National Vs Regional Competition Legislation - Competition Perception Assessment
Role of Partners DIALOGUES and ADVOCACY Establish National Reference Group, NRG (comprising of relevant stakeholders) Maintain continuous contact and hold periodic meetings of NRG members - NRG-I: Introduction to project + Discuss PCP findings - NRG-II: Discuss the Draft CRR + Identify training needs - NRG-III: Review the project outputs and deliberate on the ‘way ahead’
Role of Partners OTHER ROLES Send relevant news clippings, articles from the local newspapers, magazines, etc. to CUTS for the E-newsletters Write articles on competition/regulations/consumer protection related issues: one every six months Familiarise CUTS with project progress, periodically
Funds Allocated to Partners vis-à-vis Activities Research: US$ 16,000 (over a period of 16 months; requiring 10days/month of NRG Meetings: US$ 3,000/meeting (Half to One day meetings of national stakeholders; 3 meetings to be held) NTW: US$ 18,000 (3day meeting, including the cost of participation of international resource persons, cost of venue, meals, conference package, etc.) Advocacy & Coordination: US$ 8,000 1,000/quarter) TOTAL: US$ 51,000
Partnerships Contract with each partner Draft ToR has been sent to all partners: with Responsibilities and corresponding consideration Commencement of partnership with the signing of the MoU and ToR by CUTS and individual partners
“ Beginnings are always exciting ” THANK YOU Rijit Sengupta CUTS International