Section D Free E-journals Access Directory of Open Access Journals BioMed Central PubMed Central HighWire Press PubMed search options
Displayed is the Search page of DOAJ - the gateway to almost 10,000 OA journals and 1.7 million articles. Note the access via Subject, Journal Language and Journal Country plus a keyword search tool.
PubMed Central PubMed Central (PMC) is an archive of articles that have been deposited in this free repository. Over 2.3 million articles are available. Access is via journal A-Z listing and keyword searches for articles are entered into the PMC search box.
HighWire Press 3 Displayed is the HighWire Press initial page. The Free Access to Developing Economies link is located on this page. Also of interest is the Free full-text content link. There is a link to both pages in the Other Free Collections drop down menu on HINARI’s Full-text Journals, databases and other resources page. If you are in a R4L eligible country, you can access the HighWire Press full text articles since this publisher identifies computer (IP) addresses from eligible countries.
The PubMed database is an excellent source of free full text articles. We will complete the HIV AND pregnancy search.
In this example, the Free full text available filter has been activated. The search results are 2714 citations. If you keep this filter on, it will limit all future searches to Free full text articles. In the initial page of the HIV AND pregnancy search results, there are links to Free Article(s) and Free PMC Article(s).
Consumer Health/Patient Education HIV/AIDS, Nutrition Pharmacology & Prescribing Public Health Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases Note: these highlighted sites are examples of useful health-related sites on the Internet. For annotated links to over 750 sites, go to the Essential Health Links Gateway Section E - Health Information Sources by Subject (a brief sampling)
Developed and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (USA), MedlinePlus is an invaluable resource for consumer health information. Access is by topic or keyword search engine.
Opened the Infectious Diseases page of the MedlinePlus website.
The EngenderHealth site has numerous full-text technical publications on HIV/AIDS plus numerous other reproductive health and health systems topics.
The HIVInSite is a comprehensive, up-to-date resource on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and policy. It is maintained by the University of California San Francisco (USA).
Eldis has numerous topical resource guides including one on Food Security. See the list in the left hand frame for other nutrition topics of interest.
UNICEF’s Global Nutrition Cluster contains Tools, resources, & guidance documents, Training packages and Evaluations and Reviews of various strategies.
Essential drugs from Medecins sans Frontieres is an excellent resource for health practitioners in low-income countries.
The Merck Manual Online is not only a tool for drug information but an extensive resource for symptoms and treatments of many disorders.
Emergency Infectious Diseases is an open access e-journal from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA). It focuses on numerous issues of value to health practitioners in low-income countries.
The Supercourse is a repository of over 5000 lectures on global health and prevention with many related to public health topics. It is a useful tool for lecturers and students.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp Library has developed this gateway of numerous tropical medicine and infectious diseases resources on the Internet.
The Neglected Tropical Diseases Program has information on several Targeted (neglected) Diseases that could be minimized or eliminated with proper eradication projects.
This is the end of HINARI Advanced Course Module 4 There is a Work Book to accompany this part of the module. The workbook will take you through a live session covering the topics included in this demonstration with working examples. Updated