Instructional Design JMA503. Objectives 1. Assignments Assignments 2. Project guide Project guide 3. Instructional strategy - Events of instruction. Instructional.


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Presentation transcript:

Instructional Design JMA503

Objectives 1. Assignments Assignments 2. Project guide Project guide 3. Instructional strategy - Events of instruction. Instructional strategy - Events of instruction. 4. ToolBook practice ToolBook practice

Phase III Develop & Implement Phase I Analysis Phase II Design Evaluate & Revise Start Models


Instructional Strategy Now that we have identified what the learner/user needs to know, do, and/or feel… Strategy guides us in teaching it…

Instructional Strategy Instruction strategies include presentation of knowledge, practice activities, learner guidance, questioning…

Instructional Strategy Do benefits counselors at Company X need to know the rules for employees benefits before they counsel an employee? When training benefits counselors, the information might be sequenced so facts, rules, regulations are presented first followed by examples that help the counselor integrate and use the information in unique instances.

Instructional Strategy Organizational – instructional sequence. Management – scheduling/allocation of resources. Delivery – instructional medium.

Instructional Strategy Organizational – instructional sequence. Management – scheduling/allocation of resources. Delivery – instructional medium.

Instructional Strategy Strategies must support mental operations

Instructional Strategy Strategies must support mental operations Gain/focus learner attention Microwave

Instructional Strategy Strategies must support mental operations Recall prior knowledge Personalize

Instructional Strategy Strategies must support mental operations Elicit Practice

Instructional Strategy Gagne’s Events of Instruction: 1. Gain attention 2. Inform learner of objectives 3. Stimulate recall 4. Present material 5. Provide guidance 6. Elicit performance 7. Assess performance 8. Enhance retention and transfer Blackboard Instructional Strategy (7) pages Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction: An Introduction:

Events of instruction

Instructional Strategy How do the Events of Instruction relate to CBT/WBT.

Gain attention Relevant Flash animation opens program to gain learner attention and interest. An interesting story or example is presented at the beginning. Ducky

Gain attention Screen display is personalized to help make learning meaningful to the individual.

Inform learner of objectives Screen display informs learner of the program objectives and what he/she will gain from the program The screen also presents information about how relevant the material is to the learner and what he/she will get from it.

Stimulate Recall Using a question to relate the learning materials to something with which the learner is already familiar. Using metaphor of microwave oven.

Present materials Screen presents content about microwaves.

Elicit performance and provide feedback Screen presents practice questions and gives learners feedback

Assess performance Provide learner information about how well or poorly he/she did in the program. Provide information about remediation.

Enhancing retention and transfer Provide learner information about how to transfer skills developed in program to novel situations. Present a case that requires learners to apply what they’ve learned to a unique situation.

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