Biotech: A Scientific View
How it’s used How it’s used Gene therapy can help to treat cancer Gene therapy can help to treat cancer Detection of birth defects Detection of birth defects Genes and artificial chromosomes can be inserted to cure genetic disorders Genes and artificial chromosomes can be inserted to cure genetic disorders
How GE helps Us Demolish abortion Improve the chances for a healthy child Can make medical assistance for reproduction minimal
Keepin‘ it Safe You Can’t Guard Against it if You Don’t Understand it You Can’t Guard Against it if You Don’t Understand it Warning Labels Warning Labels Public Awareness Public Awareness Laws Laws
Why Should We Care? Why Should We Care? Abuse Abuse Allergies Allergies Overlook Something Overlook Something Kills Antibodies Kills Antibodies
Words U Should Know Words U Should Know Exogenous DNA: DNA taken from a source of organism and has been cloned into a vector and put into a host cell. Also know as foreign DNA Exogenous DNA: DNA taken from a source of organism and has been cloned into a vector and put into a host cell. Also know as foreign DNA Biotechnology: The use of biological processes or organisms for the production of materials and services of benefit to humankind. Biotechnology: The use of biological processes or organisms for the production of materials and services of benefit to humankind. Gene Expression: The process by which a gene produces RNA and protein, and hence exerts its effects on the phenotype of an organism. Gene Expression: The process by which a gene produces RNA and protein, and hence exerts its effects on the phenotype of an organism.
How DNA Changes Genes? How DNA Changes Genes? DNA is first inserted into viruses, this process is called gene therapy; the viruses are then inserted into the cells which change the gene expression DNA is first inserted into viruses, this process is called gene therapy; the viruses are then inserted into the cells which change the gene expression
Bibliography Bibliography A Jurist’s Guide to 21 st Century Biotechnology. 27 May A Jurist’s Guide to 21 st Century Biotechnology. 27 May _e.htm _e.htm Conway, Gordon. Facts: Uncertainties and assessment. 21 May Conway, Gordon. Facts: Uncertainties and assessment. 21 May Glossary of Technology and Genetic Engineering. 13 May Glossary of Technology and Genetic Engineering. 13 May Heaf, David Engineering the Human Germline 21 May.2002 Heaf, David Engineering the Human Germline 21 May May May