Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies To view this short presentation, please click the arrow... Do you want to learn about counselling theory? Would you like to prepare for work, as a trainee counsellor, in an agency setting? Would you like to learn more about yourself? COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTRAL AWARDING BODY THE ONLY AWARDING BODY IN EUROPE TO SPECIALISE IN THE FIELD OF COUNSELLING Do you want to take the next step in counselling training?
During this short presentation you can: Get a sense of what happens on a counselling studies course and understand its main purpose. Find out how this training might benefit you. Learn more about the qualification. Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies To continue, please click the arrow...
Navigation What’s the aim of a course leading to this qualification? Will this qualification make me a counsellor? Counselling theories (videos) About the qualification (fit-for-purpose and safe) Who is it for? Its place in the wider plan (and steps to becoming a counsellor) What sort of things might I be doing during course sessions? What sort of work outside the course would I need to do? How would I be assessed? Students, in their own words (video) About the actual certificate … Click on any heading you like, or else click the orange arrow below to see the 1st item in the list …
What’s the aim of a course leading to this qualification? Will this qualification make me a counsellor? … Return to ‘Navigation’ page Preparing to work within an ethical framework for counselling. Understanding the counselling relationship. Understanding theories of counselling and mental health. Developing self-awareness in counselling practice. Developing enhanced therapeutic skills in practice sessions. The main purpose is to prepare students for work (as trainee counsellors) in an agency setting. This includes:
Counsellors use theory and research to understand human development and problems - and use associated specific skills/techniques. And now for something more visual … Return to ‘Navigation’ page Will this qualification make me a counsellor? Counsellors work with clients in formally- contracted counselling relationships. However, whilst this counselling studies qualification will not (by itself) turn you into a counsellor, it will introduce you to counselling theory, develop your therapeutic skills and prepare you for work (as a trainee counsellor) in an agency setting. No, not by itself …. Counsellors complete additional, in-depth training.
Counselling theories … There are many different theoretical approaches to counselling … psychodynamic, gestalt, humanistic, cognitive-behavioural etc. This 10 minute video, for example, looks at transpersonal counselling … So what about the counselling studies qualification itself? … Please c lick me Return to ‘Navigation’ page Whilst this 10 minute video (the first half of a longer video), for further instance, concerns person-centred counselling … Please c lick me
About the qualification … Based on a course of at least 90 guided learning hours, usually run in sessions lasting 3 – 6 hours per week. Accredited into the government’s Regulated Qualifications Framework. Designed and supported by experienced counsellors, counselling tutors and counselling programme managers. Awarded by CPCAB: the only awarding body to specialise in the counselling field. There’s more … Return to ‘Navigation’ page
Safe... It’s a safe qualification because it provides for: Preparing students to work within an ethical framework for counselling. Explaining the importance of working within the limits of proficiency. Describing the legal and procedural framework in which counselling agencies operate. Demonstrating an understanding of client assessment and referral in an agency setting. And it’s fit-for-purpose … Return to ‘Navigation’ page
Fit for purpose … Continue on to find out who this qualification is for … It’s a fit for purpose qualification because it is: Return to ‘Navigation’ page Well-designed to fit within a coherent progression route that provides step-by-step learning. Needed: provides the knowledge, skills and self-development necessary for starting work as a trainee counsellor in an agency setting. Up-to-date, integrating the latest research. Based on a unique practitioner training model: developed over 20 years, with more than 100,000 trainees.
Who is this qualification for? Take the next step in training to become a counsellor (having already acquired a measure of counselling skills). Learn about counselling theories and how to integrate these into enhanced practice skills. Learn more about (and prepare for) working in a counselling agency. Learn more about themselves. So how does it relate to other CPCAB qualifications? … It’s for those who want to: Return to ‘Navigation’ page
Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies To see a guide to becoming a counsellor, continue … Where does this qualification fit in the wider plan? Return to ‘Navigation’ page Following on from gaining counselling skills, it’s the last- but-one step towards becoming qualified to practise as a counsellor in an agency setting.
A guide towards becoming a counsellor … So what sort of things might I learn or be doing during counselling studies course sessions? … To see a short, interactive guide about the steps to becoming a counsellor, please click... Return to ‘Navigation’ page
There’s more … What sort of things might I be doing during course sessions? Return to ‘Navigation’ page Counselling studies are not about academic ability. Whilst they include learning about counselling theory, the key focus is always practical: learning how to engage in therapeutic interactions with clients. Course sessions might include (for example only): Practical exercises and role play, often in groups of three: ‘counsellor’, ‘client’ and observer. An exploration of your co-students in order to learn more about diversity … the different beliefs and behaviour. Learning how to manage stages in the counselling relationship.
Making a practice “case presentation” (talking about, for example, your experience of a counselling practice session). Engaging in simulated group training supervision. Exploring the limitations of counselling in relation to client expectation … given a range of different agency settings (e.g. rehab centre, GP surgery, drop-in centre). Developing your ability to give verbal feedback to peers at the end of counselling practice sessions. Taking part in group work and discussions. What sort of work outside the course would I need to do? … What sort of things might I be doing during course sessions? Return to ‘Navigation’ page
What sort of work outside the course would I need to do? … To successfully receive a certificate, how would my proficiency be assessed? … A weekly, reflective journal. Written assignments (e.g. an essay and a case study). Your homework might optionally also include such things as: Researching into the policies and procedures of a range of different counselling agencies. Doing some further reading. Your work outside of the course would include: Return to ‘Navigation’ page
How would I be assessed? If I receive a certificate from CPCAB, what would be its value ? … Tutor assessment: You’d keep a portfolio of coursework (including records of feedback on your role-played counselling practice), so that your tutor can see what you’ve learnt. CPCAB assessment: You’d watch a minute video of a counselling session and then write your answers to (CPCAB-supplied) questions about what you’ve seen. Return to ‘Navigation’ page To achieve the qualification, you have to be assessed as ‘Proficient’ in both tutor assessment and CPCAB assessment.
Students, in their own words … More about the value of a CPCAB certificate … Here’s what some CPCAB-registered students say about the training they’ve received and experiences gained … Please click me (a 2 minute video) Return to ‘Navigation’ page
About the CPCAB certificate … OK, you’ve reached the end. To find out where your nearest counselling studies course is running, please click here.here Or else click the arrow below to return to the Navigation page. Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies: Accredited into the government’s Regulated Qualifications Framework. Based on learning to integrate theory with skills and using these competently, safely and ethically. Refined over two decades and research-based, e.g. seven processes that contribute to effective counselling practice. Developed by the only awarding body to specialise in the counselling field.