The effects of the growth of tourism LO: to be able to explain the positive and negative impacts of tourism To categorize these impacts as economic, social and environmental
Categorize tourism impacts…
Read through the impacts of tourism sheet Highlight key terms Define: Leakage, Multiplier effect
Economic positives Creates a Multiplier effect How many times a dollar injected into the tourist destinations economy circulates through the economy- i.e. $500 spent at a hotel is then re-spent to purchase food from local farmers. The farmers then spend this money for their supplies so the money moves through the economy.
Key term: Economic leakage (negative) When money from tourism is lost as it is sent back to the country that owns the hotel.
Case Study (MIC/LIC) Cancun, Mexico: IMPACT OF TOURISM
Where is Cancun? Mainly a beach holiday- in enclave resorts. Tourists may go and visit the heritage of the Mayan ruins and do some adventure tourism such as scuba diving.
Types of holiday… Package holiday: a holiday in which travel and accommodation are put together by a tour operator and sold as a relatively cheap package. Package holidays encourage mass tourism which is the large scale movement of tourists to popular destinations e.g. the resort of Benidorm on the Costa Blanca, Spain.
How Cancun developed… In 1967, Cancun’s history was changed forever when a computer search chose it as the ideal spot for a Mexican beach resort. Before the Mexican government decided to transform a strip of sand inhabited by about hundreds of birds, iguanas and a handful of Mayan fishermen into a major tourist resort, Cancun was a peaceful, isolated paradise.
Tourist Zone A narrow island 14 miles long, is the area of Cancun where it all comes together for most visitors. In the tourist area one is never very far from the water so naturally much of your time is going to be spent in, on, or very close to the water. The tourist zone in Cancun is an example of an enclave resort.
KEY TERM: enclave resort Holiday enclaves are grouped together in a hotel or group of hotels containing all of the services thought to be necessary for the sustenance and entertainment of the tourists.
Cancun Cancun is a classic example of mass tourism. In other words, a huge number of jobs have been created by the massive number of tourists arriving on a relatively cheap package holiday.
MASS TOURISM DEFINITION Mass tourism is a form of tourism that involves tens of thousands of people going to the same resort often at the same time of year. It is the most popular form of tourism as it is often the cheapest way to holiday, and is often sold as a package deal.
What attracts people to Cancun? Big hotels owned by MNCs (enclave resorts)- This creates leakage Long, white sandy beaches The tropical location means hot temperatures all year round Lots of sunshine and blue skies - especially in the dry season from November to March Sea temperatures are above 25 degrees all year round making it ideal for water sports
Why can’t Emilio use the beach in Cancun? Read through the statements about beach tourism in Cancun Categorize impacts as: Background information Social impacts Environmental impacts Economic impacts Positive and negative impacts
What are the positives and negatives of tourism in Cancun? 3 bullet points each Do the negatives outweigh the positives? Or vice versa? Answer in one full short paragraph
How has Cancun changed?
Task One Read through the worksheet carefully. Using three colours, identify the following: General information about tourism in Cancun The positives of tourism The negatives of tourism Create a table in your books or under headings and make your notes from the worksheet. 40 minutes ch?v=ipUfiI8pU-Y
Economic positives Make a list of jobs that have been created by tourism: Directly (people employed to provide a service to tourists) Indirectly (an existing job that benefits from tourism) Many jobs in tourism are much better paid than the original jobs- can cause a lack of young people working on the land.
Economic positives Creates a Multiplier effect How many times a dollar injected into the tourist destinations economy circulates through the economy- i.e. $500 spent at a hotel is then re-spent to purchase food from local farmers. The farmers then spend this money for their supplies so the money moves through the economy.
Working conditions in Cancun Working conditions in the tourism industry in Cancun are poor. Many earn only $5 for working a hour day. Many workers in hotels are only offered short, temporary contracts. This means that workers can be laid off at the end of a 1-3 month contract if the seasonal pattern of visitors means there is insufficient work.
Environmental impacts The enclave resorts in Cancun have caused problems for the coral reefs that surround them- due to sewage disposal and tourists swimming too close to them and breaking parts off. When new resorts are developed the government insists that the tourists are educated about the damage and sewage is dealt with.
Social costs of tourism in Cancun In Cancun the hotel zone is separate from the local community – a design known as tourist enclave. Tourists stay in luxury, air conditioned hotels, whilst the workers travel over a hour away to Puerto Juarez, where they live in shanty housing.
Social costs of tourism in Cancun Local people aren’t even allowed on the beaches. The beaches are owned by the state, and controlled by the hotels. They keep local people away to prevent tourists from being hassled by vendors who try to sell food, drinks and other services.
Contrast in wealth Contrast in wealth can create conflict and frustration. Local teenagers grow up expecting to enjoy similar consumer goods to those they see being enjoyed by tourists - but they can’t always afford them. Shops sell imported foods, drinks and clothing but these are often more expensive than local products and are too expensive to buy.
Creating the perfect exam answer- Use point/ quote/comment For a LIC/ MIC you have studied explain the positive and negative impacts of tourism. (6) Negative pointPositive point Quote: case study detail to back up negative point Comment: Explain why this has negative impacts- you could link to social/ economic/ environmental Comment: Explain why this has positive impacts- you could link to social/ economic/ environmental Quote: case study detail to back up positive point Tourism questions will have 4 SPAG marks- make sure you are using good geographical vocabulary
Impacts of tourism: you need a variety of case studies from differing levels of development Blackpool: HIC Asa Wright, Trinidad: MIC Cancun Galveston Other examples?
The positive and negative impacts of tourism 1.Explain the attractions of the destination shown on the picture (3) 2.What impacts may tourism have on a destination such as that shown on the photo (4)
Answer: What impacts may tourism have on a destination such as that shown on the photo (4) Impact is direct and indirect both from tourist usage (1) and from servicing that tourist economy (1). Fragility is a feature of coral reefs (1) boats and swimmers can cause walking can cause breakage and pollution (1). Could be a loss in the traditions and culture of the area as locals are exposed to western tourists (1) The development of tourist infrastructure will loose the natural look of the area (1) Can also bring employment (1) jobs for locals (1). Better infrastructure (1) easier to travel in and out (1). Better services (1), e.g. education/health facilities.
Exam questions on impacts Also be prepared to answer an impacts question based on just the positives and just the negatives: I.e. Explain the economic positives tourism may bring to an area (4) Explain the social problems tourism may to an area (4) Always try to use examples in your answer
Other 6 mark questions Explain the social impacts of tourism (6) Explain the economic impacts of tourism (6) For both of these questions you should refer to case study examples and consider both negative and positive examples