The Project Promoting interprofessional collaboration and team building to deliver safe and effective casualty and patient- centred practice in disasters/emergencies and pandemics.
Goals and Objectives The Goal To design, deliver and evaluate innovative curriculum to provide pre-licensure health sciences students with collaborative and team-building skills for use in management of complex emergency situations.
Goals and Objectives Objectives 1.To develop an innovative online competency-based pre- licensure curriculum for disaster/emergency preparedness ('IDEAS'). 2.To implement and assess the impact of this curriculum on the ability of healthcare and first responders to work collaboratively to deliver casualty or patient-centered care through participation in a high-fidelity simulation. 3.To work with professionals within the community to evaluate and test existing disaster plans. 4.To disseminate knowledge on the process of integrating IPE competencies in a pre-licensure curriculum for disaster/emergency preparedness. 5.To sustain the knowledge gained by broadly integrating IPE competencies into curriculum for all pre-licensure health science students.
Scope of Project Locations-Participants-Timeframes Curriculum development and concurrent process and outcomes evaluation will take place between September 2006 and June 2008 with a cohort of learners in a range of health science disciplines at the partner institutions with a view to validating curriculum modules for use in those disciplines in academic year
Project Highlights Pilot test (simulation) with comparable learners in 4th quarter (March 2007) Deliver online curriculum/Pre-test simulation exercise as part of the curriculum(7th quarter October-December 2007) Post-test on knowledge retention (8th quarter March, 2008)
Evaluation Questions 1.Does an IPE curriculum improve students' attitudes towards interprofessional learning? 2.Does an IPE curriculum improve team performance when delivering care in an emergency/disaster scenario? 3.Are knowledge and skills obtained by students through an IPE curriculum translated to and sustained in the professional practice of graduates? 4.Does integration of student teams into disaster/emergency plan simulations improve perceived system efficiency?
Implications Changes in Curriculum or Clinical Practice Model for curriculum revision to strengthen collaborative and team-building skills in a clinical setting.
Project Partners Centennial College (Nursing, Paramedicine, Pharmacy Technician, Police Foundations, Social Service Worker, Centre for Creative Communications) Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences (Radiation Sciences, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Imaging and MedicalLaboratory Sciences) University of Toronto (Undergraduate Medicine) Ryerson University (Nursing, Social Work) George Brown College (Nursing)
For more information Kathryn Parker, PhD, Director of Research Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences Phone: Trish Dryden, M.Ed, RMT Acting Director, Applied Research Centennial College Phone: , ext.8056