Reptile Jeopardy 2013
To which order do we belong? Testudines (Chelonia) Rhynchocephalia Squamata Crocodylia
Name the 3 main groups of reptiles crocodiles snake/lizards Turtles
When did the last dinosaurs go extinct? 65 million years ago Cretaceous
Label the brain
What are 3 possible reasons for the dinosaurs’ extinction? Decrease in global temperature Rise of mammals Global catastrophe
Name three functions of the reptile scale. Camouflage Protection from –Dehydration –injury Intimidate Attract mates
When is considered the “Age of the Reptiles”? 225 to 65 mybp
Squamata members? Lizards Snakes
Reptile dominate this biome _________ and are not found in this biome ___________ Desert Arctic
What’s the word? Body temp determined by the environment ectothermic
What’s the word? Material the scales are composed of keratin
What’s the word? Portion of the brain that allows you to smell Olfactory lobe
What’s the word? Food source for the embryo in an egg yolk
What’s the word? Hatching eggs inside the body ovoviviparous
How have the hearts changed from amphibians to mammals? (2,3),(3,3.5,4),4
Compare these features in reptiles and amphibians Integumentary Reproduction Development of young AMPHIBIANSREPTILES thin, smooth skin, thick, water tight scales diffusion can occur lay eggs in water leathery eggs external fertilization internal fertilization external development external development metamorphosis juveniles like adults
What is structure … A. C. K. Amniotic sac Allantois Air pocket
2 ways eggs are kept warm (other than sitting on them)? 1. incubate inside the body 2. bury in decomposing leaf litter
2 bits of evidence that support the warm blooded dinosaur theory Incubated eggs Hollow bones predators
This statement describes what part of the brain? processing information and responses. Controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscles. Memory. Abstract thought. Intersensory association (ICE =COLD) cerebrum
This statement describes what part of the brain? relay station and control of homeostatic activities. (heart rate, breathing rate and blood flow) Medulla oblongata
Ouch… I broke my pelvis. What part of my body did I hurt? _______________ Ouch… I broke my sternum. What part of my body did I hurt? ________________ Hip or butt chest
Name the bones A. B. C. Femur Mandible scapula
Name the parts of the bone. A. B. C Cartilage plate Spongy bone Compact bone
Label the parts A. B. C. Bone cell Haversian canal Lamella C A B
Label the parts A. B. C. Humerus Phalanges metacarpels A B C
What type of joint? Where would you find it? Hinge Elbow or knee
What are their functions? Strengthen long bones without adding much weight
What are their functions? Support and protect organs Skull, vertebrae and rib cage Appendicular skeleton are the appendages arms and legs
What are their functions Covers protects and helps mend bones
True or False Study and you will do well. TRUE
Exam Monday Class Reptilia Worksheet from Text Book Notes on Reptilia (classification, origin, characteristics, systems, anatomy of the egg) Comparison with amphibians Biology Book Text pages Warm blooded article, skeleton lab, Video “Victors of dry land” Brain parts and their functions Skeleton Lab