Amphibians Birds Contaminants/Toxics/Pollutants Environmental Condition Fish Hydrology/Water Quantity Light Macroinvertebrates Mammals Multi-Species Other, Climate/Weather Pathogens/Disease Plankton Reptiles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Vegetation/Plants Water Quality Subjects (from PNAMP) Biological Status & TrendThreats Status and Trend High Level Indicators (from NOAA) AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution High Level Indicators (from NOAA) HabitatHydropowerHarvestDiseasePredationHatcheryNatural Indicators Spatial Scale(s) of Inference Temporal Scale(s) of Inference
Amphibians Birds Contaminants/Toxics/Pollutants Environmental Condition Fish Hydrology/Water Quantity Light Macroinvertebrates Mammals Multi-Species Other, Climate/Weather Pathogens/Disease Plankton Reptiles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Vegetation/Plants Water Quality Subject(s) Biological Status & TrendThreats Status and Trend High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution High Level Indicators HabitatHydropowerHarvestDiseasePredationHatcheryNatural Indicators Spatial Scale(s) of Inference – Oregon Lower Columbia ESU Temporal Scale(s) of Inference – Annual (status); 12 yr (trend) Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits Coho
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend Metric Measurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits Specify Needed Degree of Certainty! STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend Metric Measurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits Develop Goals and Objectives STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend Metric Measurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits Develop Goals and Objectives Feedback to Goals and Objectives STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend Metric Measurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits Protocols STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend Metric Measurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale A Protocol is a plan, including a set of data collection and analysis Methods, to carry out a scientific study. Monitoring protocols, as described by Oakley et al. (2006), are detailed study plans that explain how data are to be collected, managed, analyzed, and reported, and are a key component of quality assurance for natural resource monitoring programs. Protocols must belong to one and only one Program.Oakley et al.
High Level Indicators AbundanceProductivityDiversityDistribution Indicators Non-migrant juveniles Migrant juveniles SpawnersRecruits STRIDE Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design GRTS Non- stratified 4 panel rotating Status Trend MetricMeasurement Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Methods A Method is a systematic, standard operating procedure for collecting or analyzing data for one or more Metrics or Indicators. Methods may be organized into Protocols; the same Method may be included in multiple Protocols. Methods must be: 1) described in documentation, 2) repeatable by others.
Amphibians Birds Contaminants/Toxics/Pollutants Environmental Condition Fish Hydrology/Water Quantity Light Macroinvertebrates Mammals Multi-Species Other, Climate/Weather Pathogens/Disease Plankton Reptiles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Vegetation/Plants Water Quality Subjects (from PNAMP) Biological Status & TrendThreats Status and Trend Spatial Scale(s) of Inference Temporal Scale(s) of Inference
Amphibians Birds Contaminants/Toxics/Pollutants Environmental Condition Fish Hydrology/Water Quantity Light Macroinvertebrates Mammals Multi-Species Other, Climate/Weather Pathogens/Disease Plankton Reptiles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Vegetation/Plants Water Quality Subjects (from PNAMP) Biological Status & TrendThreats Status and Trend Spatial Scale(s) of Inference Temporal Scale(s) of Inference Critical Uncertainties Compliance & Implementation Action Effectiveness Mechanisms D Research and Evaluation Need
Critical Uncertainties Compliance & Implementation Action Effectiveness Mechanisms D Research and Evaluation Need Design Category Space for TimeBaselineStaircaseMBACIPSBACIPSBACIBA High Level Indicators Indicators