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Presentation transcript:

DRUG ADDICTION AND ABUSE PROJECT OVERVIEW Learning Area SOCIAL SCIENCE Class Eight - Ten Objective Description Compulsive, excessive and self- damaging use habit forming drugs, leading to addiction or dependence, serious physiological injury and psychological harm are called Drug Addiction/ Abuse. Student will learn and say - What is Drug Abuse/ Addiction? Who is Drug Abuser? What are the side effects of Drug addiction? How do Abuse Drugs? Software MS Word, MS Power Point, Internet Explorer. Author MOHAMMED YOUSUF MIA (MILON) Assistant Teacher,PDB HighSchool,Sylhet -3100 1

Addiction Medical Medical DRUGS Economic Social Neurotoxicity AIDS CANCER MENTAL ILLNESS Neurotoxicity AIDS, Cancer Mental illness DRUGS The effects of drug abuse are wide ranging and affect people of all ages. Besides addiction, drug abuse is linked to a variety of health problems, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease and many more. It is costly to individuals and society, and is linked to homelessness, crime, and violence. Social Economic Health care Productivity Accidents Homelessness Crime Violence


The Perpetrator is Involved in Drug Use in… More than 50% of violent crimes 60-80% of child abuse and neglect cases 50-70% of theft and property crimes 75% of drug dealing Belenko and Peugh, 1998; National Institute of Justice, 1999.

Common Myths About Drug Abuse… Drug abuse equates to drug addiction Alcohol is not a drug Addiction is a moral weakness You have to hit rock bottom to recover You have to want treatment for it to be successful Drug abuse is more common among minorities

Why Do People Take Drugs in The First Place? To feel good To have novel: feelings sensations experiences and to share them To feel better To lessen: anxiety worries fears depression hopelessness Research has shown that people generally take drugs to either feel good (sensation seekers, or anyone wanting to experiment with feeling high or feeling different) or to feel better (self-medicators, or individuals who take drugs in an attempt to cope with difficult problems or situations, including stress, trauma, and symptoms of mental disorders).

Drug Abuse Community Peer Cluster Family Individual Delinquency Drug/Alcohol Related Traffic Accidents Community Peer Cluster Family Individual Delinquency Academic Failure and Dropping Out of School Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Including HIV/AIDS) Suicidal Behavior The likelihood of someone who abuses drugs then becoming addicted to them also depends on the balance of his or her level of exposure to risks and protective factors, which span the whole spectrum, from individual (genetics, developmental, behavioral) to social (family/community environment, peer pressure, economic burden, etc.) factors. The more positive these factors are, the more they will afford a measure of protection or resistance to the risks of drug abuse. Prevention programs, including behavioral skills training and environmental modification, can be designed to enhance protective factors. Juvenile Depression Unwanted Pregnancies Running Away From Home

DRUG ADDICTION: A Complex Behavioral and Neurobiological Disorder Historical Drugs Physiological - Prior experience - Expectation - Learning - Genetics - Circadian rhythms - Disease states - Gender Environmental - Social interactions - Stress - Conditioned stimuli Brain Mechanisms Behavior Environment

Addiction Changes Brain Circuits Drive Saliency Memory Control Non-Addicted Brain NOT GO Addicted Brain Addiction changes brain circuitry making it hard to “apply the brakes” to detrimental behaviors. In the non-addicted brain, control mechanisms constantly assess the value of stimuli and the appropriateness of the planned response, applying inhibitory control as needed. In the addicted brain, this control circuit becomes impaired through drug abuse, losing much of its inhibitory power over the circuits that drive response to stimuli deemed salient. Source: Adapted from Volkow et al., Neuropharmacology, 2004.

In Treating Addiction… We Need to Keep Our Eye on the Real Target Abstinence Functionality in Family, Work and Community

EVALUATION What is drug? What is drug abuse? How do drugs of addiction work? How we protect the drug abuse or addiction ?

LONG – TERM EFFECT OF DRUG ABUSE Depending on the actual compound, drug misuse including alcohol may lead to health problems, social problems, morbidity, injuries, unprotected sex, violence, deaths, motor vehicle accidents, homicides, suicides, mortality, physical dependence or psychological addiction. There is a high rate of suicide in alcoholics and drug abusers. The reasons believed to cause the increased risk of suicide include the long-term abuse of alcohol and drugs causing physiological distortion of brain chemistry as well as the social isolation. DRUG abuse directly influences the economic and social aspects of a country. There are thousands of addicted people in Bangladesh and most of them are young, between the ages of 18 and 30 from all walks of life. Drug addiction in young Bangladeshis are mainly seen because of reasons like depression. People try to remove depression using drugs as a tool. And this is how they become addicts. Failed relationships and broken hearts are also major inducements of drug abuse in young people.

THE REASON OF DRUG ADDICTION Every individual is struggling with drug addiction has their own reason. A highly common reason behind drug addiction is an inability to cope with stress. Examples: emotional stress, peer pressure, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, environmental stress, status of friend circles and other reasons.

SOCIAL PROBLEM OF ADDICTION Drug abuse directly influences the economic and social aspects of a country. Use of drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social and psychological harm, both strongly depending on local jurisdiction.

PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE Strong law enforcements – eg. Collaboration, Transparency, Forums, Booklets etc. Road show/ Rally to all of communities and schools. Role of community leaders. Role of Media eg. TV. News, Press release. National committee to be formed. Ministry of Education – Curriculum.