HUT Acoustics1 HOARSE, Mid-Term Review Paavo Alku Team Report Helsinki University of Technology (HUT)
HUT Acoustics2 Theme: Speech production modelling 1. Glottal flow 2. Vocal tract 3. Lip radiation Speech Estimated glottal flow INVERSE FILTER
HUT Acoustics3 Tasks: Task 3.1Glottal excitation estimation 12 month milestone: Research on combining new AR (Auto Regressive) models to inverse filtering 24 month milestone: Inverse filtering experiments on intensity regulation of speech with soft and extremely loud voices -Algorithmic development performed by HUT researchers (funded not by HOARSE) - Application of inverse filtering studied by the young researcher, Eva Björkner, funded by HOARSE - Soft and extremely loud voices represented by singing voices (the main area of expertise for Eva Björkner)
HUT Acoustics4 Task 3.2Voice production studies 12 month milestone: Inverse filtering experiments on high-pitched voices 24 month milestone:Research on the relationship between the main effects of the glottal flow (fundamental frequency, phonation type etc.) and brain functions using MEG -Inverse filtering analysis on high-pitched voices studied by Eva Björkner using singing voices - Relationship between the glottal flow and brain functions studied at HUT (but not funded at the moment by HOARSE)
HUT Acoustics5 Task 3.3Voice production and cortical speech processing Studied at HUT (funded so far mainly by the Academy of Finland ). Examples of studies: Mäkelä, Alku, Mäkinen, Valtonen, May, Tiitinen: Human cortical dynamics determined by speech fundamental frequency, NeuroImage, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp , Mäkelä, Alku, Tiitinen: The auditory N1m reveals the left- hemispheric representation of vowel identity in humans. Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 353, pp , Mäkelä, Alku, Mäkinen, Tiitinen: Glides in speech fundamental frequency are reflected in the auditory N1m response. NeuroReport, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp , 2004.
HUT Acoustics6 General issues: Kalle Palomäki, “the bridge” between HUT and Sheffield: -funded by the Academy of Finland but also by HOARSE -works on Task 3.3 -joint publications Tasks 3.1 & 3.2 (and thereby the entire HOARSE) get strong scientific support from KTH, Prof. Johan Sundberg