Anaphylaxis Management Briefing For Victorian Schools
Our School(Insert name of school) The children that are diagnosed at risk of anaphylaxis here are Insert picture of child here please Insert Picture of child here please Insert Picture of child here please Insert picture of child here please Insert picture of child here please Insert picture of child here please
Causes and symptoms of anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressing allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening. It is caused when a person who is allergic to a substance comes into contact with that substance It involves a change to BREATHING &/ or CIRCULATION Symptoms of anaphylaxis: Noisy / difficult breathing Swelling of tongue Wheeze or persistent cough Difficulty talking, hoarse voice Difficulty swallowing, tightness in throat Drop in blood pressure – drowsiness, collapse
Watch the anaphylaxis management DVD (available on FUSE)FUSE
The school’s First Aid and Emergency Response procedures All staff need to know the school’s First Aid policy First aid procedures and the student’s emergency procedures plan must be followed in responding to an anaphylactic reaction
n Anaphylaxis Guidelines – published by, Department of Education & Training 2005 n Anaphylaxis Advisory Support Line: or n - ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis can be downloaded from the ASCIA website n - Department of Allergy & Immunology, Royal Children’s Hospital n – Anaphylaxis Australia Inc website or phone line support Slide 5.10 On-going support and training resources