1 Report Tile UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Attracting the Next Generation Accountants
2 Governmentwide Perspective OPM Hiring Initiatives OPM/Chief Financial Officer’s Council Partnership Ten Actions You Can Take Today Workforce Planning Discussion Topics
3 Governmentwide Perspective The Federal Government is the largest employer in the nation The Federal Government hires approximately 240,000 employees annually Approximately 21K (accountants/accounting techs) Approximately 23% of all Federal accountants/accounting techs are eligible to retire in % of all hires used a variety of hiring flexibilities
4 Governmentwide Perspective Direct hire authority usage increased by more than 1000% in the last 3 years Federal Career Intern Program (FCIP) usage increased by 250% in the last 3 years Total use of hiring flexibilities increased by 120% in the last 3 years Merit promotion principles and veteran’s preference are what set the Federal Government apart – not a barrier– from the private sector
5 OPM Initiatives End-to-End Hiring Roadmap Initiative Applicant focus ► 60 days from announcement closing until first day on the job ► Streamlined job announcements and elimination of written KSAs ► Four communication points ○ Resume received ○ Assessment ○ Referred ○ Selected Business Analytics Requirements Document/Model -- data tracking, analysis, decision-making and reporting
6 OPM Initiatives Streamlined Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA’s) Contracting Specialist Human Resources Specialist Secretary Management – Program Analyst Accountant Accountant Technician Patent and Trade Specialist Criminal Investigator Law Enforcement 2210 – Information Technology Plain language and reduced length by 75% Worked with acquisition, comptroller, information technology, law enforcement and human resource communities
7 OPM Initiatives Senior Executive Service (SES) Pilot Two tracks Resume only—less burdensome application process, and more valid and targeted candidate assessment Accomplishment Record—focused on executive competencies underlying Executive Core Qualifications Ten Federal agencies participating
8 OPM Initiatives Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) Pilot DoD and Non-DoD Acquisition brand – “Be America’s Buyer” Centralized Register Streamlined JOA’s Streamlined and focused Administrative Careers with America Assessment (ACWA)
9 OPM/Chief Financial Officer’s Council Partnership Streamlined job announcement Reviewed current college curriculum Private v. Federal—more in line with private sector Streamlined Administrative Careers with America Assessment (ACWA) Identified competencies
10 # 1 Eliminate Your Red Tape # 2 Use Plain Language in Job Announcements # 3 Use Standardized Vacancy Announcement Templates # 4 Recruit Veterans # 5 Adopt an Accelerated Hiring Model Ten Actions You Can Take Now
11 # 6 Competing on Campus # 7 Offer Incentives for Talent # 8 Utilize Direct Hiring Authority # 9 Leverage Other New Hiring Flexibilities # 10 Fully Engage Your HR Staff Ten Actions You Can Take Now
12 Workforce Planning as an important tool Workforce planning is conducted in concert with other agency staff functions (budget, human resources, operations, logistics, facilities, information technology (IT), other) Workforce Planning provides the data and foundation for almost every human resource and human capital program and initiative Workforce planning is an ongoing process tied to budgetary decision making 12
13 Workforce Analysis Process Overview 13
14 Financial Occupations as Mission Critical Occupations (MCOs) 10 Agencies have identified financial occupations (500 series) as MCOs – Education Energy GSA HUD Labor OMB Smithsonian State Transportation Treasury
15 Percent of FM Resource Targets Achieved * 2 agencies have not reported FY08 FM data yet