People and the Process of Change
Perceive the world Happy with what is perceived Change No Change Comfort Zone Unhappy with what is perceived Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Change Forward to Summary Change - New Comfort Zone Not ComfortPerceive world
Perceive the world Eyes - Sight Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change How do we perceive the world? Ears - HearingNose - Smell Tongue - Taste Skin – Touch
Brain Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change How do we perceive the world? Sense Organ Perception distorts reality when the: Information reaching the sense organ is distorted. Information reaching the brain is distorted (sense organ is defective e.g.. short sightedness or background interference of a weak signal e.g. sound is very soft in a noisy atmosphere) Brain/nerves are impaired e.g. disease or drugs. Person is under stress. Brain tries to make meaning of sensations Perception
Brain Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change How do we perceive the world? Sense Organ Are the red lines straight? Perception Back to Change Personal example
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Are you always happy in your Comfort Zone? Some reasons for unhappiness You are unable to change the Zone because You are powerless. You are financially unable to. You enjoy being unhappy. Back to Comfort Zone Forward to Summary
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Reactions to being out of a Comfort Zone Displacement from a Comfort Zone may cause: A Tantrum with incoherent protest. A “Lockout”. The person refuses to interact in a meaningful way, A direct attack on the messenger. A problem solving rising to the challenge with an attempt to find solutions. May involve coherent protest.
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Behavior which may indicate discomfort with change. Maintenance of Traditions when New Systems or Technologies make activities simpler or more efficient. Refusal to learn new technologies e.g. refusal to “talk to a machine” to leave voice mail. Rejection of a generation - new styles / music. Behavior which may indicate discomfort with change.
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Interim Summary 1 I object to change because I want to be in my comfort zone. My Comfort Zone is personal and based on: Gathering information received through my imperfect senses and Interpreting and making sense of the information to have: perceptions of others (which may be wrong) a perception of myself (which may be wrong)
How does Gwen perceive the actions of the Wizard? Do you think the actions of others is to remove comfort from your life? Lets discuss a balanced view of the actions of other people on our lives. Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Perceptions of Other People
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Making Change Happen lady's motivationfrog's motivemotivation
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Interim Summary 2 To Cause Change You Must Know Your Target so that you can: Catch and maintain their attention. Convince them that they want to perform the change because they benefit in tangible ways intangible ways
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change A “Correct” response is demonstrated following the presentation of a specific environmental stimulus. It may make no attempt to show understanding or to apply the knowledge to new situations. Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Memorization - recall of the exact words of teacher. At school you “learn” a definition given in a text. At work you can recall a list of steps in a procedure. Skill or Method of doing some action demonstrated as expected by the teacher. At school you learn how to recite a poem. At work you learn and execute a bureaucratic procedure. Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Modified response is demonstrated when information is stored in memory in an organized, meaningful way. Makes an attempt to interpret i.e. show understanding or application. Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Summarization - explain in your own words. At school you explain a definition in your own words. At work you can explain a procedure. Skill or Method of doing some action as interpreted by you. At school you learn how to recite the poem with feeling. At work you modify a bureaucratic procedure. Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Evidence of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Interim Summary 3 Learning can be seen as: a product/destinationa process/journey. producing standardized people. producing people who have personalized learning. evaluated by standardized test when learning is complete by trainer/teacher only. evaluated by personal standards throughout the process (ongoing) by both student and teacher.
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Behaviorism Learning is a behavioral change in desired direction which happens when a correct response is demonstrated following the presentation of a specific environmental stimulus. Learning is caused by external agents. Learners practice to build fluency i.e. get responses closer and closer to correct response. Teachers use instruction which utilizes consequences and reinforcement of learned behaviors. Programmed Instruction i.e. logical presentation of content, overt responses, immediate knowledge of correctness may be used. Learners show insight observable and measurable behaviors Theories of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Cognitivism Learning is knowledge acquisition i.e. a mental activity that entails internal coding and structuring by the learner. (internal process). Learners develop capacity and skills to learn better. Learning results when information is stored in memory in an organized, meaningful way. Teachers emphasis structuring, organizing and sequencing information to facilitate optimal processing. Learners show insight, information processing, memory, perception. Theories of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Constructivism Learning is an active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge. Knowledge is embedded in the context in which it is used. (internal process). Learners build personal interpretation of the world based on experiences and interactions. Teachers engage learner in the actual use of the tools in real world situations using authentic tasks in meaningful realistic settings. Instruction is a process of supporting knowledge construction rather than communicating knowledge. Learners show novel but situation-specific understandings by "assembling" knowledge from many diverse sources appropriate to the problem at hand. Theories of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Humanist Learning is a personal act to fulfill potential. (internal process) Learners attempts to satisfy affective and cognitive needs as they aspire to become self- actualized, autonomous learners Teacher facilitates development of the whole person. Learners perform self-directed learning. Theories of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Social and Situational Learning is in relationship between people and environment. Learner Learner aspires for full participation in communities of practice and utilization of resources. Teachers work to establish communities of practice in which conversation and participation can occur. Learners interacts / observes in social contexts moving from the periphery to the centre of a community of practice. Theories of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Behaviorist - Learning is a behavioral change in desired direction caused by external stimuli. Theories of Learning Cognitivist - Learning is storing of information in memory in an organized, meaningful way. Constructivist - Learning is a process of searching for meaning in all experiences. Humanist - Learning is personal actions to fulfill potential. Social and situational - Learning is the development of relationships between people and/or people and the environment. Views of Learning
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change Behaviorist - Consequences and reinforcement of learned behaviors. Theories of Learning How Teachers use: Cognitivist - Structuring, organizing and sequencing information to assist learners in organizing information in an optimal way so that it can be readily assimilated. Constructivist - Problem Solving, Creative and Critical thinking, Discovery learning and Inquiry- based. Humanist - Self-directed learning. Social and situational – Socialization, Social participation, Associationalism, Conversation.
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change How people learn Learning is a difficult and complex process. Consider the information you receive through your senses as pieces of a jig saw puzzle that you are trying to assemble to make a coherent picture.
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change How people learn Let us make some puzzles to see how easy learning can be: How people learn 15 pieces parts do not need to be rotated. 9 pieces, parts may need to be rotated. 12 pieces, parts may need to be rotated. 24 pieces, parts may need to be rotated. 48 pieces, parts may need to be rotated..
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change 2 2 X 2 3 = 2 5 Perception Example What I had written: What my friend read: 22 X 23 = 25 Twenty two multiplied by twenty three equals twenty five! Back to Perception
Leading the Change Process Performance Consultants Make recommend- ations Translate job requirements into competencies Apply Science of Learning & Human Performance Generate solution options and metrics Conduct effectiveness & cost analysis (K, S, A, T)
1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency 2. Creating a Guiding Coalition 3. Developing a Vision & Strategy 4. Communicating the Change Vision 5. Empowering Broad-Based Action 6. Generating Short-Term Wins 7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change 8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change Creating Major Change
Establishing a Sense of Urgency Examining the market & competitive realities Identifying & discussing crisis, potential crisis, major opportunities Concepts: Create a crisis: highlight major weaknesses, allow errors to compound Eliminate obvious examples of excess (company facilities, services,etc Set goals & targets unrealistically high Distribute company-wide performance data highlighting deficiencies to more employees Force interaction with unsatisfied “customers, suppliers, shareholders.” Use consultants to force more relevant & honest appraisals Bombard people with information on future opportunities, rewards for capitalize on those opportunities, & potential “lost opportunities.” Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Creating a Guiding Coalition Putting together a group with enough power to lead the change Getting the group to work together like a team 4 Key Characteristics of Guiding Coalition: Positional Power: Are enough key players on board, especially the main line managers, so those left out can not easily block progress? Expertise: Are the various points of view, relevant to the tasks at hand, adequately represented so that informed, intelligent decisions can be made? Credibility: Does the group have enough people, with good reputations, that its pronoucements will be taken serious by the other employees? Leadership: Does the group include enough proven leaders to be able to drive the change process? Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Developing a Vision & Strategy Creating a vision to help direct the change effort Developing strategies for achieving that vision Characteristics of an Effective Vision Imaginable: Conveys a picture of what the future will look like Desirable: Appeals to the long-term interests of employees, customers, stakeholders. Feasible: Comprises realistic, attainable goals Focused: Is clear enough to provide guidance in decision making Flexible: Is it general enough to allow individual initiative & alternative responses in light of changing condition. Communicable: Is easy to communicate, can be successfully explained within 5 minutes. Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Communicating the Change Vision Using every vehicle possible to constantly communicate the new vision & strategies Having the guiding coalition role model the behavior expected of employees Key elements in communicating the vision: Simplicity. All jargon & technobabble must be eliminated. Metaphor, Analogy & Example. A verbal picture is worth a thousand words. Multiple Forums. Big meetings & small, memos, newspapers, formal and informal meetings…. Repetition. Ideas sink in only after they have been heard many times Leadership by Example. Behavior by important people that is inconsistent with the vision overwhelms other forms of communication. Explanation of Seeming Inconsistency. Unaddressed inconsistencies undermine the credibility of all communications. Give & Take. Two way communication is always more powerful and one-way communication. Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Empowering Broad-Based Action Getting rid of obstacles Changing systems or structures that undermine the change vision Encouraging risk taking & non-traditional ideas, activities & actions Empowering People to Effect Change Communicate a sensible vision to employees. Make sure structures are compatible with the vision. Provide the training employees need. Align information and personnel systems to the vision. Confront supervisors who undercut needed change. Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Generating Short-Term Wins Planning for visible improvements in performance, or “wins” Creating those wins Visibly recognizing & rewarding people who made the win possible 1.Provides evidence that sacrifices are worth it. 2.Reward change agents. 3.Helps fine-tune vision & strategies. 4.Undermine cynics and self-serving registers. 5.Keep bosses on board. 6.Build Momentum. Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change Using increased credibility to change all systems, structures & policies that don’t fit together and don’t fit the transformation strategy Hiring, promoting, & developing people who can implement the change vision Reinvigorating the process with new projects, themes & change agents More change, not less. The guiding coalition uses the credibility afforded by the short-term wins to tackle additional and bigger change projects More Help. Additional people are brought in, promoted and developed to help with all the changes Leadership from Senior Management. Senior people focus on maintaining clarity of shared purpose, keeping urgency levels up. People management & leadership from below. Lower ranks in the hierarchy provide both leadership & management for specific projects. Reduction of unnecessary interdependencies. To make change easier in both short/long-term, managers identify and eliminate unnecessary organizational interdependencies. Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Note: Resistance is always waiting to reassert itself! Creating Major Change
Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture Creating better performance through customer- & productivity oriented behavior, more and better leadership, & more effective management Articulating the connections between new behavior & organizational success Developing means to ensure leadership development & succession Concepts: Culture changes come last, not first. Most alteration in norms & shared values come at the end of the transformation process Results matter. New approaches usually sink into a culture only after it is very clear that they work and are superior to the old methods. Requires a lot of talk. Without verbal instruction and support, people are reluctant to admit the validity of new practices. May involve turnover. Sometime the only way to change a culture is to change key people. Makes decision on succession crucial. If promotion processes are not changed to be compatible with the new practices, the old culture will reassert itself Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998 Creating Major Change
Understanding The Learning Process To Influence Change 2 2 X 2 3 = 2 5 End What I had written: What my friend read: 22 X 23 = 25 Twenty two multiplied by twenty three equals twenty five!