Employee Survey 2005 Results from employee survey run during Feb/March 2005
Orientation Survey ran for 1 month, February 15 th to March 14th 542 total returns, representing 36% of all employees 107 people made a comment, representing just 20% of respondents and 7% of all employees
Background data Male / Female: –Survey:41% / 59% –RGU population:42.8% / 57.2% Academic Research / Academic / Professional +Support: –Survey: 6% / 39% / 55% –RGU population:7% / 36% / 57% Full / Part-time: –Survey:83% / 17% –RGU population:70% / 30% City centre versus Garthdee: –Survey:49% / 51% –RGU population:45% / 55%
Q 1 - “I am generally in control of my work and able to manage my workload effectively”
Q 2 - “In my job I have the appropriate level of responsibility to be able to make a significant contribution”
Q 3 - “I enjoy the environment in which I work (including the people, workplace and immediate manager involvement)”
Q 4 - “I get opportunities to develop my skills and capabilities (either through work assignments or training)”
Q 5 - “I understand how my work contributes to the overall objectives of my school or department”
Q 6 - “I believe I am treated, and am given opportunities, in a fair and equitable way”
Q 7 - “I have a clear understanding of my role and responsibilities at RGU”
Q 8 - “I get adequate feedback about my work from my immediate manager”
Q 9 - “I feel I can raise issues and concerns with my immediate manager and have them addressed”
Q 10 - “Regarding changes within my school or department, I feel an appropriate effort is made to involve me, and the rationale for such changes has been explained to me”
Q 11 - “In my work I have been subject to harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief or age”
Q 12 - “My health, safety and well-being are taken seriously by the university”
Q 13 - “My immediate manager proactively supports and encourages fairness and equal opportunity at work”
Q 14 - “My immediate manager is inclusive and people- focused”
Q 15 - “I get the support I need and have a good working relationship with my immediate manager”
Q 16 - “I have confidence that RGU executive and senior management can guide the university towards achieving the 2010 strategic vision”
Q 17 - “Overall, I have a strong affiliation with RGU”
Q 18 - “Taking everything into account, I feel committed to both my role at RGU and the organisation in general”
Comments About 20% of respondents made a comment Comments made by respondents have been grouped and represented by paraphrased themes that capture the main areas The main themes are shown on the next few slides The number in brackets represents the number of comments that relate to each of the main themes
Comments by major theme A number of employees felt that there is too much "top down“ management and not enough engagement with and feedback from staff. Visibility of senior managers was also mentioned, as was the need for more face-to-face communication (19) Employees offered advice on improving the questionnaire next time, particularly by being more specific with some questions (16) A significant number of employees feel that recent changes are positive and welcome, and that the momentum needs to be maintained (15) Some employees feel that pay and reward could be improved, and that pay increases have not kept pace with workloads (9)
Comments by major theme (continued) The working environment in some buildings is perceived as a barrier to effective working by some employees. Specific issues were raised regarding open plan areas and lack of common rooms (8) There is a concern by some employees that there is not enough opportunity for staff / career development (6) A small number of employees feel that continual changes to procedures is causing discontent (5) A small number of employees feel that management at governor, executive and Dean level is less than effective, and there is a perception that there are too many managers (5)
Focus Groups 2 focus groups were asked to review results (one group per main university site) Concluded that data generally looks reasonable and a fair reflection Main “comment themes” validated and endorsed