Empire State Partnerships Funding from the New York State Council on the Arts
Empire State Partnerships is: A sequential, multi-year funding program for partnerships between cultural organizations and schools that strive to achieve whole- school improvement of teaching and learning in and through the study of the arts.
ESP Funding from NYSCA Project-based Support –Planning (up to $10,000 – two years max) –Implementation (up to $20,000 – no limit on years) School-wide Support –Planning (up to $20,000 – one year, optional) –Implementation Five years Up to $25K, $50K, $75K, $50K, $25K –Dissemination (unlimited $ and time) * All ESP grants are dollar-for-dollar matching grants
Goals of the ESP Program To stimulate and support teachers, artists, and students in their efforts to improve arts programming and education school-wide, with the goal of improving the culture of the school To support the creation of inquiry-based, interdisciplinary learning experiences and the exploration of the artistic process as a model for teaching, learning, and authentic assessment across the curriculum To de-marginalize the arts in schools across New York state To create a state-wide community of practitioners who are committed to learning from and with one another
Characteristics of the Partnerships Involve schools and cultural organizations –Shared beliefs about how and why the arts will help to transform teaching and learning –Developed shared goals for the work of the partnership –Clearly identified each partner’s support (monetary and otherwise) of the partnership, as well as their respective roles and responsibilities for achieving the specified goals and objectives Steering Committees that include representatives of all stakeholder groups Plans for deeply involving their certified arts teachers
More Characteristics Develop curriculum units that are collaboratively designed, taught, and assessed by teachers and artists Create professional development strategies that support experimentation, risk taking, and reflection Authentically document and assess student learning Create innovative strategies for deeply involving parents and community members
Support Mechanisms State-wide Professional Development Opportunities –ESP Professional Development Program Website with “Online Discussion” capabilities Listserv 5 to 7-day Summer Seminar Intensive Regional Leadership Networks –Arts Education: A Common Ground for Learning conference Administered by Partners for Arts Education in partnership with NYSCA and other stakeholder agencies Ongoing Dialogue with NYS Education Department Networks –Regional Arts in Education Roundtables –Topic-based Roundtables (Alternative Populations, Design Ed, Museum Ed)
Regional Leadership Networks (RLNs) Geographically based: –Western New York –Central New York –Capital Region –Hudson Valley –New York City Elementary Middle/High
Goals of RLNs Extend the learning from Summer Seminar to teammates “back home” Allow member partnerships to learn from and with one another throughout the year Address specific issues of member partnerships Disseminate best practices Publicize and Advocate
Your Responsibilities Indulge in the joy of arts-based learning Take risks, explore, reflect Contribute heartily to the “visioning” work of your team Take stock of what you personally need to learn and “go for it” Be a steward for your teammates back home