InterDomain-QOSM: The NSIS QoS Model for Inter-domain Signaling J. Zhang, E. Monteiro, P. Mendes, G. Karagiannis, J. Andres-Colas 66 th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada2 Aims and Scope of the InterDomain-QOSM Draft (1) Specify and standardize interface between intra- domain and inter-domain QoS control planes within an administrative domain; Specify and standardize inter-domain QoS control plane within a domain as well as interface between peer inter-domain QoS control planes at adjacent domains via defining InterDomain-QOSM: done using both ITU-T Y-RACF QoS pull and push resource control modes
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada3 Aims and Scope of the InterDomain-QOSM Draft (2) NSIS aware intra-domain and inter-domain control planes: standardized interface described in details when NSIS (e.g., the RMD-QOSM or Y.1541-QOSM) is deployed as intra-domain QoS control solution; NSIS aware inter-domain control plane but non-NSIS aware intra-domain QOSM: an additional intra-domain signaling protocol needed to implement standardized interface between intra-domain and inter-domain QoS control planes in an administrative domain, which is out of scope of this draft
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada4 Assumptions about NSIS (1) NSIS GIST supports off-path MRM (e.g., draft- hancock-nsis-pds-problem-03.txt) current proposal for off-path MRM (draft-hancock-nsis- pds-problem-03.txt) defines two discovery mechanisms, one starting in one off-path node and finishing in one on- path node, and another starting in one on-path node and finishing in one off-path node; However, it does not describe the mechanism for the discovery of an off-path QoS controller by its off-path peers.
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada5 Discover a downstream off-path node from an upstream off-path node.
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada6 Assumptions about NSIS (2) InterDomain-QOSM makes no assumptions about intra- domain QoS solution (i.e., centralized or distributed, based on NSIS protocols or not), but: a distributed implementation of the IntraDomain-QoSM based on QoS-NSLP signaling over several intra-domain QNEs is more closer to NSIS’s work (independent from if the intra-domain signaling is done via the on-path or off-path MRM inside a domain); InterDomain-QoSM makes use of messages, objects and procedures defined by QoS-NSLP for signaling exchanges between inter-domain QNEs; SLS parameters and QoS control information required for inter-domain QoS interactions are specified by using/extending the QSPEC template draft.
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada7 InterDomain-QOSM modes a) Fully centralized, which means that InterDomain QNE functionality is implemented in interior network node; that is usually off path b) Fully distributed, which means that InterDomain QNE functionality is implemented in all edge network nodes; that is usually on path. c) Hybrid approach of a) and b), in which InterDomain QNE is co-located with interior network nodes close to edge devices one InterDomain QNE controlling a subset of edge devices; that can be off path;
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada8 IntraDomain QOSM and relations with InterDomain-QOSM Distributed NSIS aware IntraDomain QoSM: InterDomain-QoSM uses features of NSIS aware intra-domain QOSM follows approach similar to the ITU-T RACF pull mode, independently of way inter-domain QNE is implemented; Generalized Intra-domain QOSM: InterDomain QOSM may not use features of NSIS aware intra- domain QOSM follows approach similar to ITU-T RACF push mode message associations for inter-domain interactions may be between peer inter-domain QNEs.
July 9 th -14 th, th IETF – Montreal, Quebec, Canada9 Conclusions draft adopts idea of distinct separation between intra-domain QoS control plane and inter-domain QoS control plane within each administrative domain: draft-hancock-nsis-pds-problem-03.txt ; aim at specifying inter-domain QoS interactions via defining NSIS InterDomain-QOSM Should this draft become a NSIS WG draft?